| 封面說明: 南京匯文女學謝文息女士 | Cover page explanation: Ms Xie Wenxi from Nanjing Huiwen girls' school |
 | 初夏與情人划舟,蕩乎中流,乃人生快事。 | Rowing a boat with the beloved one at the beginning of summer and drifting in the middle of stream is a pleasure in life |
 | 婦女 | Women |
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 | 利華皂粉 | Lux soap powder |
 | 利華皂粉 | Lux soap powder |
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 | 沃度兒 | Odol |
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 | 看見她"表兄"的臉,笑得嘴也合不攏的陳美珥女士,在她家園前的玉影 | Precious photo of Ms Chen Mei'er in front of the garden of her home, who grins upon seeing the face of her "elder male cousin" |
 | 張美貞女士的留影 | Souvenir photo of Ms Zhang Meizhen |
 | 這是少女達到快樂最高峯的時候 (左) 周映霞 (中) 黃補中 (右) 曾文姬,江兆平 | This is the moment when the happiness of a young girl reaches its summit. (left) Zhou Yingxia (middle) Huang Buzhong (right) Zeng Wenji, Jiang Zhaoping |
 | 旗袍外之背心 | Waistcoat over qipao |
 | 海灘上的美人與其芳影 | A beauty on the beach and her sweet image |
 | 東方人體美 | The beauty of body in the East |
 | 梅花歌舞團表演節目之一幕,龔秋霞錢鍾秀均在內。 | One scene of the show of "Plum Blossom" song and dance ensemble. Both Gong Qiuxia and Qian Zhongxiu are included. |
 | 好姊姊好弟弟的合影 | Group photo of good elder sister and good younger brother |
 | 她含笑吃著那金山蘋果 | She is eating that Jinshan apple with smile |
 | 女戰士們: 上海的停戰協定已簽字了,但是你們的鎗口且慢慢的放鬆,帝國主義者的暴力,隨時會來的啊。 | Female soldiers: Shanghai armistice agreement has been signed, but don't hurry to put down your gun. The violence of imperialists might come back at any time. |
 | 電影明星薩雷愛理爾司 Sally EIlers 的近影 | Recent photo of the movie star Sally Ellers |
 | 肉腿 | sexy legs |
 | 猿人泰山 | Tarzan the ape man |
 | 興高采烈,爭奪狗明星之頭銜也。 | Elated, competing for the title of dog star |
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 | 兒童 | Children |
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 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
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 | 娛樂 | Entertainment |
 | (上) 大飯店中約翰擺里穆與嘉寶之表演 | (above) the performance of John Barrymore and Greta Garbo in the Grand Hotel |
 | (右) 大飯店中約翰與瓊克勞馥之表演 | (right) the performance of John Barrymore and Joan Crawford in the Grand Hotel |
 | 南賽卡洛近影 | Recent photo of Nancy Carroll |