| 本期要目 | Important contents of this issue |
 | 出嫁後的懶惰 | Laziness after getting married |
 | 女校生活的回憶 | Recall the life in my girls' school |
 | 怎樣做人的婆母和丈母娘 | How to be a mother-in-law |
 | 逼他往外尋歡 | Forcing him to seek for pleasure outside (marriage) |
 | 拆穿男子的虛偽 | To unmask the hypocrisy of men |
 | 青春期的意義與男女的差別 | The meaning of puberty and the difference between the male and the female |
 | 這是我們婦女應當知道的 (續) | These are what our women should know about (continued) |
 | 丈夫納妾余所受之痛苦 (續) | My pain after my husband took a concubine (continued) |
 | 如何解決 | How to solve this? |
 | 沒有男友的同學,忌妒我!破壞我! | Classmates who do not have a boyfriend are jealous of me and jeopardize me |
 | 怎樣使不愛我的人愛我 | How to make the one who doesn't love me to love me |
 | 零頭衣料的利用法 | What to do with fabric remnants |
 | 關於牙齒的常識 | Common knowledge about teeth |
 | 胡椒可治傷風 | Pepper can be used as treatment for cold |
 | 結婚儀式 | Wedding ceremony |
 | 舊油畫顏色變新法 | How to refresh the color of an old oil painting |
 | 曬藏皮貨法 | How to tan and preserve fur |
 | 寡婦再醮 | Widow's remarriage |
 | 有其母乃有其女 | Like mother, like daughter |
 | 讀者呼聲 | Readers' voice |
 | 慕爾堂是妓校嗎? | Is Muertang a school for prostitutes? |
 | 旗袍外之背心 | Waistcoat over qipao |
 | 家庭和學校的聯絡 (續) | The communication between family and school (continued) |
 | 嬰兒與睡眠 | Baby and sleep |
 | 兒童不高興的原因 | The reason why a child is not happy |
 | 無線電訣門 | Tips for radio |
 | 修身箴言 | Mottos for cultivating one's moral character |
 | 最後的微笑 (續) | The last smile (continued) |
 | 吻之舞 | The Kiss Waltz |
 | 前線歸來 (續) | Return from the frontline (continued) |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
 | 不能秘的祕密 | A secret which could not be kept |
 | 明星心理的矛盾 | The paradoxical mind of movie stars |
 | 健忘的瑙麥希拉 | The forgetful Norma Shearer |