| 明眸皓齒之中西女生唐瓊琚 | Tang Qiongju, a female student from Zhongxi (Chinese-Western) girls' school with bright eyes and white teeth |
 | 何麗蓮女士玉照 | Precious photo of Ms He Lilian |
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 | 沃度兒 | Odol |
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 | 歌舞時代的黎明暉 | The age of singing and dancing |
 | 一幅世界攝影名作,埃及少女 | An Egyptian Girl, a famous photograph in the world, |
 | 立在花前的孩子,大概屬於女性的你不信時,可以去問問女孩子們,沒有一個不愛花朵的。 | A child standing in front of flowers might be female. If you don't believe this, you could go and ask girls, none of whom doesn't like flowers. |
 | 外國小孩子好動,所以活潑可愛,你看他穿了睡衣進房去的一臉笑容,多少有味! | Foreign children are active, so they are lively and cute. Look at him, full of smiles on his face when he is about to go into the room wearing a pajama. How impressive! |
 | 紅十字會救出之戰地難民 | Battlefield refugees rescued by the Red Cross |
 | 我軍前線之臥地射擊 | Shooting while lying on the ground of our army in the frontline |
 | 十九路軍長蔡廷鍇及戴戟 | Cai Tingkai and Dai Ji, commanders of the 19th route army |
 | 十九路軍之巷戰陣地 | The alley battle field of the 19th route army |
 | 日軍之鋼盔軍械為我軍所獲 | Steel helmets and weapons of the Japanese army acquired by our army |
 | 民眾慰勞品輸送之忙碌 | The busy scene of the transportation of appreciation gifts from the public |
 | 女子救護隊 | Women's First-Aid Team |
 | 馮庸大學女子義勇軍進餐時攝影 | The photo of the women's army of volunteers from Feng Yong university while having meal |
 | 射擊敵人 | Shooting the enemy |
 | 掘壕 | Dig a trench |
 | 健康的體格為人人所羨慕的 | A healthy physique is desired by everyone |
 | 春裝 | Spring fashion |
 | 嬌小玲瓏的梁賽珍 | Small and delicate Liang Saizhen |
 | 聯華攝影場中富於表情之陳燕燕 | The expressive Chen Yanyan in the Lianhua film studio |
 | 金燄與錢杏球在人道一片中的熱烈奔放大足驚人 | The passion and boldness shown by Jin Yan and Qian Xinqiu in the movie "Humanity" is very surprising |
 | 好萊塢電影女星南錫卡洛的近影 | Recent photo of Nancy Carroll, the Hollywood movie star |
 | 兒童 | Children |
 | 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
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 | 慢性畫家 | Slow painter |
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 | 黑婦 (張亮) | Black woman (Zhang Liang) |
 | 擲球 (夏忠誠) | Throw a ball (Xia Zhongcheng) |
 | 爵士 (李芳) | Jazz (Li Fang) |
 | 人情 (辛志英) | Human sympathy |
 | 推車 (林雄) | Push a cart (Lin Xiong) |
 | 開步走 (王德仁) | Take a step (Wang Deren) |
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 | 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
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 | 電影 | Movies |
 | 美國新進明星裘理愛康登 | Qiuli Aikangdeng, the American budding star |
 | "人獸奇觀"之女主角愛溫[......] | Aiwen..., the heroin of "Spectacle between Human and Animal" |