| 第四十八期要目 | Important contents of issue 48 |
 | 戰爭如再爆發姊妹們應有的表示 | The response that our sisters should have if war breaks out again. |
 | 男子結婚心理之分析 | The analysis of marriage psychology of men |
 | 回憶我的學校生活 | To recall my school life |
 | 巴黎新裝 | New fashion in Paris |
 | 巴黎婦女之長短競爭 | The competition between "the short" and "the long" among women in Paris |
 | 怎樣對付丈夫 | How to deal with your husband |
 | 解答疑難 | Doubts, difficulties and solutions |
 | 我要走哪一條路 | Which way should I go |
 | 婚姻難題 | A ticklish problem about marriage |
 | 戰地之常識 | Common knowledge at battlefield |
 | 孕婦攝生方法 | Pregnant women's hygienism |
 | 黎明暉情海起風波 | Li Minghui's troublesome love affair |
 | 值得記牢的 | Things to keep firmly in mind |
 | 春裝 | Spring fashion |
 | 好殺是兒童的天性嗎? | Are children fond of killing by nature? |
 | 少女的初戀 (八) | The first love of a young girl (part eight) |
 | "托肺" 的製法 | The recipe of "toffee" |
 | 犧牲 | Sacrifice |
 | 卓別林范朋克的初次會晤 | The first meeting of Chaplin and Fairbanks |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor´s Note |
 | 一宴香腸一哩 | The total length of sausages for one party is one mile |
 | 海外奇聞三則 | Three pieces of odd news from overseas |
 | 導演逼淚妙法 | The director's clever method to draw tears |
 | 我們應該怎樣娛樂 | How should we entertain ourselves |
 | 華萊司的替身 | The double of Hualaisi |
 | 男保姆 | Male nannies |
 | 美國大隊肉屏風被捕記 | A large group of naked people were arrested in America |
 | 好萊塢電影珍聞,嘉保的四位恩人 | Hollywood movie titbits, four benefactors of Jiabao |