| 李月嫦女士為滬江大學女生之領袖 | Ms Li Yuechang, the leader of female students at Hujiang University |
| 施惠珍女士負盛名於滬婦女界 | Ms Shi Huizhen, renowned in the women's world in Shanghai |
| 日本橫濱三溪園之櫻花 | Cherry blossoms of Sanxi Garden in Yokohama, Japan |
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| <春潮>作者鄭犖女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Zheng Luo, the author of [A morning in spring] |
| 周銘女士最近所攝的春裝,袖頭上綴着很潔白細軟的皮。益顯得春天的溫和,女子的幽靜。 | Latest photo of Ms Zhou Ming's spring fashion, the end of each sleeve is decorated with pure white and soft fur, which makes the mildness of spring and the demureness of a woman more manifest. |
| 婷婷玉立着的李金容女士。她有很好的身材,穿了一件有大花綴着的衣服,式樣略帶西方的色彩。雖然衣服前後不齊,非但不難看,還覺得很美觀 | Ms Li Jinrong standing in a graceful gesture. She has a nice figure and is wearing a dress decorated with big flowers. A bit of western influence can be seen on its style . Although the front part and the back part of the dress are asymmetric, rather than bad looking, it looks quite pretty |
| 葛璐茜女士遊園稍憩之攝影 | Photograph of Ms Ge Luqian, taking a rest while visiting a park |
| 作者張品惠女士 | Ms Zhang Pinhui, the author |
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| 日本熱海溫泉男女大共浴場。此係浴場之女浴客,可容七百人大浴場之一角,蹲於地上者乃擦背小姐。 | A large mixed-sex bath house of hot spring in Atamishi, Japan. These are female guests in a corner of this big bath house which can accommodate seven hundred people. The one squatting on the ground is the lady who provides back scrubbing service. |
| 楊秀娟女士肄業於光華大學,攝影於青島。 | Ms Yang Xiujuan studies in Guanghua University, whose photograph is taken in Qingdao. |
| 新式房室之佈置 | The arrangement of a new-style room |
| 培成女校沈季玉女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Shen Jiyu of Peicheng girls' school |
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| 以木櫈練拳之攝影 | Photo of practising Chinese boxing with wooden benches |
| 務本與民之排球戰 | Volleyball game between Wuben and Min ? |
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| 貞男諾伐羅 | Chaste man Novarro |
| 大華飯店舞廳之一角 | One corner of the dancing hall of Dahua restaurant |
| 編輯者言 | Editor's Note/Talk |
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| 她恢復了康健以後 | After her recovery |
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| 內衣的式樣 | Some underwear styles |
| 披克馥甜蜜的笑 | Pickford's sweet smile |
| 她熱的連衣衫都脫去了 | It's too "hot" that she even took off her clothes |
| 她熱望者世界的男性 | Her hot gaze at (all the) men in the world |
| 狂熱下的吻姿 | Kissing with passion |
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| 另一嘉寶曼琳台脱烈许 | Another Jiabao Manlin Taituoliexu |
| 最近好莱坞舞会中壁克馥及史璜逊晤谈之留影 | Souvenir photo of Mary Pickford and Gloria Swanson talking at a recent dancing party in Hollywood |