No. 015 (24 June, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 36 (36 total)
女店員(未完)Shopgirls (to be continued)
[No title][No title]
街頭巷口的談話Conversation in street corners
環境與青年Environment and the youth
摩登少女的人生觀Modern Girls' outlook on life
湯婆子(暖瓶)名稱的來歷:原來還含著男女不平等的意味The origin of the name "Woman of soup (thermos flask)": it also implicates inequality between men and women
一張簡單說明書A simple piece of explanation
解決女子最怕的問題Solving problems women are most concerned about
嬌言嫩語交際場、家庭中的清脆聲音Tender speech: clear and melodious voice in the social field and in the family
摩登青年仍要講禮節Modern youth still should devote particular care to etiquette
一線之隔A fine line's distance
訂婚和結婚前的準備: 摩登青年不可不讀(未完)Engagement and preparations before marriage: modern youths have to read this (to be continued)
止吐簡法Simple method for settling the stomach
瓶花保久法How to keep flowers in the vase (fresh) for a long time
青年男女應有的預防:道德上的預防、教育上的預防Preventions essential for male and female youths: moral prevention and educational prevention
兒童與沐浴(未完)Children and taking a bath (to be continued)
花的攝影(未完)Photography of flowers (to be continued)
夕陽西下At sundown
上海的娛樂Entertainment in Shanghai
大胖子:開司東將重登銀幕The big fat guy: Kai si dong is coming back to screen
電影界的不景氣Depression in the cinema world
記銀壇女詩人彭絲Notes about [Carmen] Barnes, a female poet in the movie circle
拉萊西門為吻而死Lalai Ximen died of kisses
公使俱樂部之夜A night in the Embassy club
再提起一下To mention it again