| [No title] | [No title] |
 | 我已覺悟了! | I am already aware of it |
 | 外祖父當錯了情人 | Grandfather was mistaken as a lover |
 | 最新發明的“人造人” | The newest invented "artificial human" |
 | 女子教育不普及的原因 | The reasons why female education was (is) not widespread |
 | 女子口中的男子 | Men in the talk of women |
 | 當心中學男生 | Beware of schoolboys |
 | 電影院女招待的苦哀 | The feeling of embarrassment of a female attendant at the cinema |
 | 男子的醜態 | Men's foolish manners |
 | 寄信常識 | Commen knowledge for sending letters |
 | 配色的研究 | Study on the harmony of colours |
 | 交際女郎的男友: 如何痛苦, 居心何在 | The boyfriend of a chummy lady: So painful; where is her true heart? |
 | 顧影自憐 | Look at one's image in the mirror and pity oneself |
 | 兒童與欲念的關係 | |
 | 兒童與玩具的關係(續) | The relationship between children and toys (continued) |
 | 此為何種天氣乎?(續) | What kind of weather is it? (continued) |
 | | Tomorrow is another day |
 | 好萊塢三件笑話 | Three jokes from Hollywood |
 | 明星之居 | The stars' houses |
 | 吻的障礙物 | The hinderance for kissing |
 | 黑貓的作者 | The creator of Mickey Mouse |
 | 銀幕上的東方格言 | Eastern mottos on the screen |
 | 束髮封帛 | Binding hair and packing up silks |
 | 電影檢查員 | Film censors |