| 婦女時報第十四期目錄 | Funü shibao Issue no.4 Table of Contents |
| 論鑄造國民母 | Making mothers of citizens |
| 記黃韌之先生游歷皖贛浙三省之演說 | Record of Mr. Huang Renzhi’s speech on his visit to the provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang |
| 敬告同胞姊妹 | Respectful address to all female compatriots |
| 廢婢議 | On the abolition of maidservants |
| 記參觀上海小學成績展覽會 | Notes on the visit to the exhibition of works by elementary students in Shanghai |
| 催眠收生法 | Hypnosis for childbirth |
| 朝鮮之奇習 | Special customs in Korea |
| 千倍放大之人顏-皮膚之構造與表情 | The human face enlarged to one thousand times - the structure of skin and facial expressions |
| 日本之工業與婦人力 | Japanese industries and the female workforce |
| 白人醜業婦之黑幕 | The dark secrets of white women's shameful occupations |
| 毗陵莊氏家政十四則 | The Zhuang family of Piling's fourteen principles of domestic science |
| 日本悲慘女工之境遇 | Circumstances faced by the miserable female workers in Japan |
| 小兒生產後之第四月 | The fourth month after a baby's birth |
| 賢婦傳 | Biographies of virtuous women |
| 幼芹慘史 | The sad story of [Zhang] Youqin |
| 活屋 | The living house [The human body] |
| 塚中人語 | Voices from the grave |
| 恨海波瀾 | Billows on the sea of regrets |
| 雜感 | Random thoughts |
| 剪髮 | The haircut |
| 剪髮後偶有所感再賦一律 (用兒字韻) | A poem composed after having further thoughts after the haircut (rhyming with the word "er") |
| 自剪髮後辜負晨花再賦一絕 (即拈花字為韻) | A poem composed with the feeling of regret of not seeing the morning flowers after the haircut (rhyming with the word "hua") |
| 雨感 | Moved by the rain |
| 惜花 | Cherishing flowers |
| 春恨 | Regrets in spring |
| 消夏六首/ 籐枕/ 蕉扇/ 露珠/ 月鈎/雨絲/ 雲巒 | Six poems for the summer/ The rattan pillow/ Banana fan/ Dew drop/ Crescent moon/ Light rain/ Clouds and mountains |
| 野花 | Wild flowers |
| 秋色 | The colour of autumn |
| 秋近 | Autumn is near |
| 送別 | Farewell |
| 秋近 | Autumn is near |
| 詠水仙花七律七則 | Praising daffodils/ seven poems in qilü format |
| 女子當有普通醫學知識 | Women should have basic medical knowledge |