Funü Shibao
No. 013 (01 April, 1914)
Pages available: 1 - 130 (130 total)
婦女時報第十三期目錄Funü shibao Issue no.13 Table of Contents
進化學上之婦人觀Views on women in the theory of evolution
闢男尊女卑說In refutation of the view that men are superior and women are inferior
疾名Bad name ?
幼稚園實驗教育談On experiemental kindergarten education
科學小言Science trivia
賢妻居里夫人The wise wife Mrs. Curie
德意志之花(威廉二世之女維多利亞路易瑟)Flower of Germany (Victoria Louise, daughter of William II)
閨秀叢話Stories of gentry women
那威之女子選舉權Women's suffrage in Norway
京津重遊記Revisiting Beijing and Tianjin
西湖日記Diary of a visit to West Lake
小兒生產後之第二月The second month after a baby's birth
小兒生產後之第三月The third month after a baby's birth
黑獅夫人之好學The erudite Mrs. Heishi
女子參政權論On women’s suffrage
恨海綺愁鑒Reflection of the tender sadness in the sea of regrets
說普及女子教育之要義On the significance of universal education for women
說女子入學以求為國民為要素On the importance of education for women to become citizens
說母教之重On the importance of maternal education
知行合一說On the unity of knowing and acting
花朝約同志小飲啟Inspired by a drinking gathering with friends on Huachao festival
春閨雜詠Randomly composed in spring in the inner chambers
春日寄懷碧雲姊Remembering older sister Biyun in the spring
春日偕女伴游愚園Visiting Yu Garden in the spring with a female companion
漁翁A fisherman
晚眺Observing at night
弔古六章Six poems on famous people from the past
病感Feelings while ill
哭殤女Mourning [my] daughter
傷春Sadness in the spring
憶舊Remembering the past
馮君﹖索寄近作畫此以答Response to Ms. Feng ? request for [my] recent painting
女子當有普通醫學知識Women should have basic medical knowledge