| 婦女讀物 | Women's readings |
 | 華福麥乳精 | Ovomaltine |
 | 原版西書大廉價 | Big sale on the original copies of western books |
 | 婦女界之福音 | Women's gospel |
 | 新時代各級教科書 | New age textbooks of all levels |
 | 新學制教科書 | Textbooks of new educational system |
 | 商務印書館新出版 | New publications of commercial press |
 | 曩昔發育不良今茲康強壯茁 | He used to be undeveloped and now has become healthy and strong |
 | 主婦不可或少之物 | The must-have for house wives |
 | 珂路搿牙膏 | Colgate toothpaste |
 | 上等理發店皆用真正司丹康 | Top hair salons all use true Stacomb |
 | 無時不宜 | It is convenient at any time |
 | 世界上最有希望者惟少壯而康健之人 | The world's most promising are those who are young, strong and healthy |
 | 慕黛史 | Modess |
 | 三花牌香霜 | Three flowers vanishing cream |
 | 污膜 | Film |
 | 家庭新工藝縐紙製花 | Family new craft crepe-paper flowers |
 | 福美明達保喉聖片 | Formamint for sore throat |
 | 愛蘭百利代乳粉 | The allenbury's milk powder |
 | 月經病 | Period illness |
 | 出類拔萃的制育良藥 | Ideales anticoncipiens |
 | 君亦曾聞加斯血 | Have you heard of Get-it |
 | 體育器械 | Sports equipment |
 | 節育 | Contraception |
 | 美顏新術 | New makeup technique |
 | 橡皮日曆章 | Rubber calendar stamp |
 | 種德園著名良藥 | Zhong de yuan famous medicine |
 | 本誌明年徵文啟事 | Public announcement: call for submissions for journals next year, the Ladies' Journal |
 | 東方雜誌第二十八卷第五至第九號要目 | Table of contents, Vol. 28, Issue 5-9, The Eastern Miscellany |
 | 旅行用書 | Travel books |
 | 商務印書館最新出版 | Latest publications of commercial press |
 | 投稿簡章 | Submission description |
 | 新出版物 | New publications |
 | 新學制小學教科書 | Elementary textbooks for the new educational system |