| 教育部審定實用教科/授書同時出版 | Textbook and teaching reference book have been published together |
 | 上海濟生堂大藥房 | Sai sei do, the Japanese Pharmacy |
 | 人造自來血 調經種子女界寶 | Man-made blood, the seed of regulating the menstrual function, women's treasure |
 | 上海中英大藥房婦女衛生助粧品 | Shanghai Chinese-English pharmacy women's health product and makeup |
 | 屈氏大藥房臘文達綠瓶香水 | Waston's pharmacy, ?, green-bottle perfume |
 | 普通教科書 | General textbook |
 | 教育部審定單級學校用書 | Single-stage school book approved the Ministry of Education |
 | 女子中學師範教科書 | Female middle school textbook |
 | 甲乙種商業學校教科書 | Two kinds of textbooks for business school |
 | 商務印書館英華合解詞彙發售(預約)廣告 | Advertisement of English-Chinese vocabulary published by the Commercial Press is put on sale (reservation) |
 | 教員必需之參考品 | Necessary references for teachers |
 | 作文簿 習字簿 | Composition book copybook |
 | 介紹書畫家 茝史畫例 繁詩書例 | Introduction to calligraphers and painters. Pricelist of Chaishi's paintings. Pricelist of Fanshi's calligraphy |
 | 教育部審定手工平面物標本 | Handmade standardized specimens and diagrams approved by Ministry of Education |
 | 請購單級學校用書 | Please purchase single-stage school book |
 | 礦物採集鑑定法 | Methods of minng and identifying minerals |
 | 昆蟲採集製作法 | Methods of collecting insects and making specimen |
 | 動物採集保存法 | Methods of collecting and preserving animals |
 | 教育雜誌二月分出版 | Education Magazine published in February |
 | 少年雜誌二月分出版 | Youth Magazine published in Febrary |
 | 新智識叢書之三開戰時之德意志 | The new knowledge series, vol. 3: Germany when the war started |
 | 新智識叢書之二發明與文明 | The new knowledge series, vol. 2: Invention and civilization |
 | 新智識叢書之一戰爭與進化 | The new knowledge series, vol. 1: War and evolution |
 | 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸如何療治婦女 | How do Doctor Williams' red tonic pills cure women |