| Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 42, page: 28 - Editor |
同心結中的却司法雷爾與珍妮蓋諾 | tong xin jie zhong de Quesifaleier yu Zhenni Gainuo | Quesifaleier and Zhenni Gainuo in a true love knot |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 42, page: 48 - Donor |
中國影界新發現的一朵玫瑰花,歌舞明星 (王人美女士) | zhong guo ying jie xin fa xian de yi duo mei gui hua, ge wu ming xing (Wang Renmei nu shi) | A rose newly discovered in the Chinese film circle, the singing and dancing star (Ms Wang Renmei) |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 43, page: 20 - Photographer |
神秘的微笑是少女的特長 (北平尚智醫學院沈振宜女士) | shen mi de wei xiao shi shao nu de te chang (Beiping Shangzhi yixue yuan Shen Zhenyi nu shi) | Mysterious smile is the special skill of a young girl (Ms. Shen Zhenyi who is attending Beiping Shangzhi Medical School) |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 43, page: 25 - Editor |
上左乃該島婦女運動的一種快樂情形 | shang zuo nai gai dao fu nu yun dong de yi zhong kuai le qing xing | Upper left is a happy scene of a woman of this island doing sports |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 43, page: 27 - Editor |
美國百老匯大戲院舞蹈家的表演姿勢 | mei guo bai lao hui da xi yuan wu dao jia de biao yan zi shi | The performance of a dancer from the Broadway theatre in America |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 43, page: 28 - Donor |
新進的美麗明星陳燕燕小姐 | xin jin de mei li ming xing Chen Yanyan xiao jie | The budding beautiful star Miss Chen Yanyan |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 43, page: 48 - Donor |
全才的電影明星陶樂絲德里奧 Dolores Del Rio 近影 | quan cai de dian ying ming xing Dolores Del Rio jin ying | Recent photo of Dolores Del Rio, a versatile movie star |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 44, page: 28 - Editor |
圖乃中國影片"南國之春"的片段 | tu nai zhong guo ying pian "nan guo zhi chun" de pian duan | The picture shows an episode in the Chinese film "The Spring of the Southern Land" |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 45, page: 30 - Donor |
中國歌舞界已資格最老,以舞姿最好見稱的歌舞明星薛玲先女士。 | zhong guo ge wu jie yi zi ge zui lao, yi wu zi zui hao jian cheng de ge wu ming xing Xue Lingxian nu shi | Ms Xue Lingxian, famous as the most experienced and the most skillful singing and dancing star in the singing and dancing world in China |
 | Linglong, Vol: 1, Iss: 46, page: 47 - Editor |
美麗花王瑪麗白蘭 | mei li hua wang Mali Bailan | The beautiful flower queen Mary Brian |
 | Linglong, Vol: 2, Iss: 11, page: 27 - Donor |
水的伴侶:女明星王人美游泳前攝影 | shui de ban lu: nu ming xing Wang Renmei you yong qian she ying | The partner of water: the photo of the female star Wang Renmei before swimming |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 14, page: 29 - Photographer |
短跑出場前準被挖土 | duan pao chu chang qian zhun bei wa tu | dugging the earth before the sprint started |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 16, page: 32 - Photographer |
(上圖) 汪玉大小姐她是一位怕羞的小女孩 | (shang tu) Wang Yu da xiao jie shi yi wei pa xiu de xiao nu hai | (above) Miss Wang Yu is a shy little girl. |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 17, page: 30 - Photographer |
電影明星黎莉莉新衣樣 | dian ying ming xing Li Lili xin yi yang | Li Lili's New Dress |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 17, page: 30, 31 - Photographer |
張安娜今年在虹口所拍的照片 | Zhang Anna jin nian zai Hongkou pai de zhao pian | A photo of Zhang Anna Shot in Hongkou this year |
 | Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 20, page: 2 - Donor |
前途是光明的,梁展如女士 | qian tu shi guang ming de, Liang Zhanru nu shi | The Future is Illuminated Ms. Liang Zhanru. |