Funü zazhi, Vol: 15, Iss: 1, page: 117 - Donor |
中華婦女節制協會懸獎徵文 | Zhong hua fu nu jie zhi xie hui xuan jiang zheng wen | Chinese women temperance union call for papers with rewards |
Funü zazhi, Vol: 15, Iss: 1, page: 266 - Author |
商務印書館出版「字典辭書」 | Shang wu yin shu guan zi dian ci shu | Commercial Press dictionaries and wordbooks |
Funü zazhi, Vol: 12, Iss: 5, page: 133, 134 - mentioned in advertisement |
新書 | Xin shu | New books |
Funü zazhi, Vol: 12, Iss: 8, page: 154 - mentioned in advertisement |
教育雜誌第十八卷第七、八號/兒童心理專號 | Jiaoyu zazhi di shi qi ba juan di qi ba hao/ Er tong xin li zhuan hao | Education Magazine, vol. 18, issue 7、8/ Special issue on child psychology |
Funü zazhi, Vol: 12, Iss: 9, page: 133 - mentioned in advertisement |
教育雜誌第十八卷第七、八號/兒童心理專號 | Jiaoyu zazhi di shi qi ba juan di qi ba hao/ Er tong xin li zhuan hao | Education Magazine, vol. 18, issue 7、8/ Special issue on child psychology |