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sports (運動, yun dong) 551 entries
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我國的女子,近來已注重體育了。這是蘇祖琦女士打網球的姿勢,姊妹們快來玩這種遊戲,身心都曾康健。 - Women in our country begin to pay attention to sports recently. This is the posture of Ms Su Zuqi playing tennis. Sisters, come to play this game, which will keep your mind and body healthy.
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 68 (1932), p. 25
東南女子體育學校余子玉女士 - Ms Yu Ziyu from Southeast girls' school of sports
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 69 (1932), p. 23
(右) 中國女體專杜宇飛女士 - (right) Ms Du Yufei from the China Girls' Physical Education College
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 69 (1932), p. 23
女運動家不結婚 - The sportswoman won't get married
article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 70 (1932), p. 9
上海萬國運動會得女子總分第一之中華隊女選手全體合影 - A Group Photo of the Chinese Team Who Won the First Place Total Score at the Shanghai Universal Games
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 72 (1932), p. 32
女子百米接力第一之我國選手 - The Contestant of Our Country Who Won the First Place in Women's 4 × 100 Metres Relay
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 72 (1932), p. 32
上海萬國運動會得女子總分第一之中華隊女選手全體合影 - A Group Photo of the Chinese Team Who Won the First Place Total Score at the Shanghai Universal Games
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 72 (1932), p. 33
大學閉幕給獎時我國成績最優之莊銘箴女士領獎之情形 - Ms. Zhuang Mingzhen, Who is the Top Prize Winner from Our National Team, Receiving her Prizes at the Closing Ceremony
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 72 (1932), p. 33
馬毓芳女士擅運動此為遊西湖時留影 - Ms. Ma Yufang is Good at Sports. This is a Photo of Her as She Was Traveling in Xihu
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 73 (1932), p. 2
女運動員在休息中 - The Sortswomen Taking a Rest
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 74 (1932), p. 30
兩江女生體操之一種 - One of the Gymnastic of the Liangjiang Girls' School
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 74 (1932), p. 31
游泳輔助器 不諳水性者之福音 - Swimming Auxiliary, A Piece of Good New for People Who Cannot Swim
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 75 (1932), p. 50
玲瓏乒乓板 - The Linglong Ping Pong Paddle
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 76 (1932), p. 18
玲瓏乒乓板 - The Linglong Ping Pong Paddle
advertisement: Linglong vol. 2 no. 76 (1932), p. 18
跑倦了,坐下來休息。下圖左趙啟良,中賴若蘭,右林聖觀。 - Being Tired after Running, They Sat down to Take a Rest. Below Left Zhao Qiliang, Middle Lai Ruola, Right Lin Shengguan.
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 76 (1932), p. 30
愛好運動的佐治萊夫 - The Sport-loving Zuozhi Laifu
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 77 (1932), p. 33
科學常識 爬山利器 - Common Knowledge in Science. Useful Tools for Mountain Climbing.
article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 77 (1932), p. 43
女子應參加運動嗎? - Should Women Take Part in Sports?
article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 78 (1932), p. 5
鍛鍊身體常識 - common knowledge of exercising
article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 79 (1932), p. 19
德國女子在歐洲以最健美著稱 - German women are famous for their healthy beauty in Europe
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 80 (1932), p. 28
德國女子在歐洲以最健美著稱 - German women are famous for their healthy beauty in Europe
image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 80 (1932), p. 29
左圖蘇州東吳大學第四次體育表演大會中大學二年女生之「瑞士土風舞」 - the left picture shows sophomore girls performing “Swiss Folk Dance” on the fourth athletic meet of the Suzhou University
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 81 (1933), p. 23
天津南開女中排球隊 - the volley ball team of Nankai Grils' School in Tianjin
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 85 (1933), p. 24
中國女體專之體操(三圖) - Girls at the Chinese Girls' Physical Education College doing gymnastics (three pictures)
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 85 (1933), p. 25
角力 - wrestling
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 86 (1933), p. 26
麗寬女士為大夏之體育健將 - Ms. Likuan is sport star of the Daxia University
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 89 (1933), p. 23
歐美女子素好運動,滑冰尤為盛行,左圖為美國女子短裙露腿,正歡躍於冰上。 - occidental women like sports, especially roller skating. the left picture shows an american woman wearing skirt exposing her legs jumping joyfully on the ice.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 89 (1933), p. 24
澳洲舉行全洲女子游泳比賽錦標隊之旁地隊全體隊員之健美英姿。 - the healthy and beautiful figures of the whole group members of the Pangdi team at the National Swimming Competition in Australia
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 89 (1933), p. 25
霍爾姆之柔軟操練 - Huo'ermu's calisthenics
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 90 (1933), p. 34
克勞黛考爾柏在游泳池跳板上 - Claudette Colbert on a spring board of the swimming pool
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 90 (1933), p. 34
下水前練習?勢之愛蓮嬌芝 - Ailianjiaozhi practicing before entering the water
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 90 (1933), p. 34
上海的海星排球隊汪春若女士 - Ms. Wang Chunruo of the Haixing Volleyball team in Shanghai
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 91 (1933), p. 20
廣東省立第一女師的鄺玉珍女士她最近運動成績打破全國新紀錄 - Ms. Kuang Yuzhen from the Guangdong First Girls' Normal University. She recently broke the national record of sports
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 91 (1933), p. 20
下圖: 全體女運動員在大會開會時情形 - below: all the sportswomen having a meeting
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 1
上圖:全體女運動會出場情形 - top: all the sportswomen joining the athletic meet
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 1
(上) 主席台下的女運動員 - top: sportswomen in front of the stage
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 2
(下) 開會時全體運動員參加典禮 - below: all the sportswomen joining the ceremony
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 2
從女子體育看到女子將來的命運 - seeing the future fates of women through women's sports
article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 4
怎樣才使腳成美觀? - Tips for Leg Beauty
article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 9
上圖女子五十米起點 - top: the starting point of the women's 50 meters
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 19
小小童子軍胡耀祖。年僅六歲,亦來會場服務,為上海五育體育會最小之童子軍。 - the little boy scout Hu Yaozu who helped at the athlete meet. He is only 6 years old, the youngest boy scout of the Shanghai Wuyu athlete meet.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 22
江南女體師之舞步 - The Dance of the Jiangnan Girls' Sport's Academy
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 31
中國女體師之舞操 - The Dance of the Chinese Girls' Sport Academy
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 31
最強健的幾位東南運動員 - the strongest Atheletes from the Southeast Sport's Academy
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 32
出場比賽之前一位大腿吃老酒的女運動員(準備) - The female atheletes having old wines (preparing)
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 33
參加表演,比賽情形 - Joining the show. Playing the game.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 34
上圖拍攝僑光中學得鉛球第一之陳榴珍女士擲球之姿勢 - above is Ms. Chen Liuzhen, the champion of shot put.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 35
黎明暉在人群裏 - Li Minghui in the crowd
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 36
黎莉莉被光華的女運動員包圍了起來。排右至左康甯康或,前排(右至左)康彤、黎莉莉、康彰。 - Li Lili is surrounded by female atheletes. From right to lest are Kang Ning Kang Huo, or at the first low(from right to left) Kang Tong, Li Lili, Kang Zhang.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 36
好運動的中國最健美明星"野玫瑰"王人美在黃克體育館內運動時攝影 - the "Wild Rose" Wang Renmei, the most healthy and beautiful Chinese star is doing exercise in the Huang Ke Stadium
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 94 (1933), p. 59