Keywords assignment
Hollywood (好萊塢, Haolaiwu) 257 entries |
好萊塢女星青絲的美麗 [三圖] - The Beautiful Hairs of Hollyood Women Stars [three pictures] image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 109 (1933), p. 20 |
好萊塢花絮 - Titbits of Hollywood article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 117 (1933), p. 60 |
好萊塢閒話 - gossips of Hollywood article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 118 (1933), p. 54 |
梅惠斯脫的大腿 - Mae West's thigh article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 118 (1933), p. 55 |
明星語錄 - Quotes of stars article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 118 (1933), p. 57 |
忽離忽合的范朋克和畢克馥 - Fairbanks and Pickford are suddenly seperated and suddenly together. article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 118 (1933), p. 60 |
好萊塢花絮 - Titbits of Hollywood article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 123 (1933), p. 55 |
國際歡迎的好萊塢明星 - Internationally welcomed Hollywood stars article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 123 (1933), p. 59 |
半推半就之梅惠斯脫 - Meihui Situo with her tantalizing passivity image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 124 (1933), p. 36 |
玲妮蓋諾改名換姓 - Lingni Gainuo changed her name article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 124 (1933), p. 54 |
麗琳哈維的新片 - new movie of Lilian Harvey article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 124 (1933), p. 54 |
好萊塢的一部裸體影片. 電檢會又要忙碌了 - a Hollywood nude movie. The movie inspection association will be busy again article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 124 (1933), p. 58 |
瓊哈勞下嫁攝影師 - Jean Harlow marries a photographer article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 124 (1933), p. 60 |
康斯登斐納 - Kangsideng Feina image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 124 (1933), p. 63 |
兩週間中外新片等級 - ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 125 (1933), p. 54 |
佐治萊夫的歷史 - The history of George Raft article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 125 (1933), p. 56 |
尼格里寫自傳 - Negri wrote her autobiography article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 125 (1933), p. 56 |
嘉寶被揶揄 - Garbo was teased article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 125 (1933), p. 57 |
不願做克勞馥先生 - not willing to be Mr. Crawford article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 125 (1933), p. 58 |
不許雇用外籍演員? - Is it not allowed to hire foreign actors? article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 125 (1933), p. 62 |
好萊塢之童星:「克里司丁拉皇后」一片中之小嘉寶 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 126 (1934), p. 63 |
好萊塢之童星:賈克古柏穿騎士服裝之神情 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 126 (1934), p. 63 |
好萊塢之童星:狄克摩亞與陶樂賽維克合演搖籃歌此為其在該片中之化裝 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 126 (1934), p. 63 |
好萊塢之童星:神童寶寶李萊在新中之表演 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 126 (1934), p. 63 |
最近接連有著「禁苑春濃」與「女性的追逐」在上海公演的女主角麗玲哈惠。自從他到好萊塢以後,自然很受美國人士之歡迎,最近德政府下令德籍電影從業員限期歸來,麗琳哈惠宣稱,渠為英國人,故德政府之令,伊可置之不理。 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 131 (1934), p. 46 |
美國紅星瓊克勞馥自與前夫小范明克離婚後即主演「舞娘」,乃與右圖男主角佛其喬東合演,至為香豔,聞現已由銀幕上之假情人而成為真情侶矣,不久將訂婚約云 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 133 (1934), p. 36 |
瓊克勞馥Joan Crawford - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 133 (1934), p. 45 |
中外電影明星照片大本營 - advertisement: Linglong vol. 4 no. 133 (1934), p. 63 |
好萊塢女星最近流行的舞裝幾近乎裸最近的將來不難盛行一絲不掛那才顯得出天然美 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 136 (1934), p. 46 |
幽默的仰望 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 137 (1934), p. 46 |
與狗戲琴 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 137 (1934), p. 46 |
春日的醉眼 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 137 (1934), p. 46 |
與貓為戲 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 137 (1934), p. 46 |
好萊塢影多片以[sic]麻醉的享樂的歌舞肉感為號召,左圖為歌舞片「雲裳艷曲」之一幕,其場面之偉大、聲色之豔麗可見一斑。 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 139 (1934), p. 32 |
好萊塢影多片以[sic]麻醉的享樂的歌舞肉感為號召,左圖為歌舞片「雲裳艷曲」之一幕,其場面之偉大、聲色之豔麗可見一斑。 - image: Linglong vol. 4 no. 139 (1934), p. 33 |
世界標準美人造型 - World standards for beauty models article: Linglong vol. 5 no. 168 (1935), p. 34 |
影星情史:却爾福雷與珍妮蓋諾的始末 - Movie stars' love stories: The whole story of Charles Farrell and Janet Gaynor article: Linglong vol. 5 no. 169 (1935), p. 59 |
明星瑪麗奧白郎的健美方法 - The star Merle Oberon's methods for staying healthy and beautiful article: Linglong vol. 5 no. 171 (1935), p. 39 |
一個色情狂拜倒克萊拉寶高跟鞋下 - A nymphomaniac falls under Clara Bows' high heels article: Linglong vol. 5 no. 171 (1935), p. 59 |
幾位明星底迷信 - The superstition of some stars article: Linglong vol. 5 no. 171 (1935), p. 61 |
影星照片社 - Movie Stars Photograph House advertisement: Linglong vol. 5 no. 194 (1935), p. 76 |
娛樂週報最近期要目 - Important contents of recent issues of Entertainment Weekly advertisement: Linglong vol. 5 no. 196 (1935), p. 36 |
Claire Trevor 好萊塢甜姐 - Claire Trevor: Hollywood sweetie image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 196 (1935), p. 62 |
在好萊塢海濱上 - At the seaside of Hollywood image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 197 (1935), p. 61 |
在好萊塢海濱上 - At the seaside of Hollywood image: Linglong vol. 5 no. 197 (1935), p. 62 |
影星照片社 - Movie Stars Photograph House advertisement: Linglong vol. 5 no. 197 (1935), p. 76 |
娛樂週報最近期要目 - advertisement: Linglong vol. 5 no. 198 (1935), p. 50 |
- - - image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 230 (1936), p. 1 |
- - - image: Linglong vol. 6 no. 230 (1936), p. 2 |
一個女明星之婦女修飾談 - A woman star"s talk about women"s dressing up article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 230 (1936), p. 52 |