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education (教育, jiao yu) 521 entries
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畢業了!:上海晏摩氏女校畢業 - Graduation! The Graduation Class from the Yanmoshi Girls' School in Shanghai.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 102 (1933), p. 31
畢業了!:當晏摩氏女校行畢業典禮的時候 - Graduation!: The graduation ceremony at the Yanmoshi Girls' School.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 102 (1933), p. 31
阮玲玉的教育 - Ruan Lingyu's Education
article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 103 (1933), p. 61
女子在體育上的技能(攝於青島華北運動會):青島女小學生整隊入會場參觀情形 - Women's ability in sport (shot at the Huabei Athelete Meet): Girl students in Qingdao are lining up to visit the athelete meet
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 104 (1933), p. 32
女子在體育上的技能(攝於青島華北運動會):青島女小學生整隊入會場參觀情形 - Women's ability in sport (shot at the Huabei Athelete Meet): Girl students in Qingdao are lining up to visit the athelete meet
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 104 (1933), p. 33
小小國民幼稚園:大家來坐押板呵一頭高一頭低 - Little Citizens' Kindergarten: Let's play the seesaw, one side flies high and the other sinks low
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 104 (1933), p. 34
小小國民幼稚園:快!快!快騎到家中去 - Little Citizens' Kindergarten: hurry up! Let's ride home.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 104 (1933), p. 34
小小國民幼稚園:看呵!好萊塢的新圖案案舞 - Little Citizens' Kindergarten: Look! The New Hollywood Pattern Dance
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 104 (1933), p. 34
小小國民幼稚園:黃包車一只角子拉到夫子廟 - Little Citizens' Kindergarten: one cent for riding with ricksha until the Confusious Temple
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 104 (1933), p. 34
德國婦女練習試用避毒套:教導之情形 - German women practicing using the gas masks: Teaching and learning.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 107 (1933), p. 20
德國婦女練習試用避毒套:在課堂之演習 - German women practicing using the gas masks: drill in the class
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 107 (1933), p. 20
德國婦女練習試用避毒套:出外步行 - German women practicing using the gas masks: walking outside.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 107 (1933), p. 20
德國婦女練習試用避毒套: 早操 - German women practicing using the gas masks: Doing morning gymnastics
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 107 (1933), p. 20
上海幼稚師範榮珮瑜女士 - Ms. Rong Peiyu studies at the Shanghai Normal University for Children's Pedagogy
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 108 (1933), p. 19
參加香港公數學校運動會之聖瑪利亞女校出發之情形 - The Saint Mary Girls's School heading for the Hong Kong Gongshu School's Athelet Meet
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 109 (1933), p. 29
前爪哇中華女學教員辜聯蟬女士現回滬在啟秀女校任職 - Ms. Gu Lianchan is a former teacher at the Java Chinese Girls' School. She is now back to Shanghai and working at the Qixiu Girls' School
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 109 (1933), p. 30
德國女校多設嬰兒撫養班圖示女生靜聽教師之演講 - The Girl's Schools in Germany have Baby Care Class. The photo shows the girls paying attention to the lecturer.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 109 (1933), p. 45
德國對於母教十分重視此系家庭教養班圍聽演講 - Motherly parenting is taken seriously in Germnany. The picutre shows a class of parenting.
image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 109 (1933), p. 45
女界珍聞:澳門粵華中學為名教育家廖奉基女士主辦 - Womens titbit: Ms. Liao Fengji, a famous educator of Macao Yuehua Middle School
article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 123 (1933), p. 35
蘇俄在遠東之流浪兒童社 - Street Children 's Association of Soviet Russia in the Far East
article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 125 (1933), p. 50
怎樣使兒童服從 - How to let children obey
article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 125 (1933), p. 51
兒童 -
advertisement: Linglong vol. 4 no. 126 (1934), p. 52
迎兒童年 - Welcome the Children's Year
article: Linglong vol. 5 no. 167 (1935), p. 4
北平托兒所參觀記 - Notes on the visit to the Beiping Nursery
article: Linglong vol. 5 no. 167 (1935), p. 31
美國的兒童法院 - Children's court in the US
article: Linglong vol. 5 no. 169 (1935), p. 26
褻瀆校長尊嚴,女生被迫自盡 - The principal's dignity was impaired, the schoolgirl was forced to commit suicide
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 227 (1936), p. 7
庆祝儿童节的感想 - On celebrating the Children's Day
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 232 (1936), p. 5
救救中學生 - Save our high school students
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 244 (1936), p. 7
主婦須知 - prerequisites of housewifes
article: Linglong vol. 6 no. 249 (1936), p. 52
怎樣訓練孩子 - how to train children
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 268 (1937), p. 49
一位六十九歲的美國女教育學家 - an 69-year-old american female educationalist
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 268 (1937), p. 72
新家庭與新婦女 - The new familiy and the new woman
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 269 (1937), p. 10
家庭教育 - Family education
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 271 (1937), p. 6
教育兒童是我們的責任 - To educate children is our responsibility
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 271 (1937), p. 8
日本女子的貞操問題 - about the virginity of japanese women
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 273 (1937), p. 9
兒童的佔有欲 - children's possessiveness
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 276 (1937), p. 51
在家攻讀,苦無男友 - Studying at home and suffering from having no boyfriend
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 278 (1937), p. 33
中途轉學的吃虧 - Disadvantages of school transfer
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 282 (1937), p. 35
美國大學添設結婚課 - Courses added about marriage at American universities
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 292 (1937), p. 6
管理兒童一得 - An acquaintance of educating children
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 292 (1937), p. 50
莫忘了你的家庭 - Don't forget your family
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 296 (1937), p. 16
母親需知道的怎樣教養孩子 - How to educate the children - the mothers need to know
article: Linglong vol. 7 no. 297 (1937), p. 49
速成算學社募集員廣告 - An advertisement for an accountant and fundraiser for the society
advertisement: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 2 (1904), p. 90
速成算學社募集會員廣告 - An advertisement for an accountant and fundraiser for the society
advertisement: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 3 (1904), p. 100
盲女教育 - Educating blind women
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 5 (1904), p. 90
為母的心得 (譯稿) - What can be learned from motherhood (draft translation)
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 6 (1904), p. 42
演說啞教 - A lecture on teaching the mute
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 6 (1904), p. 90
記幼稚園 - A record of kindergardens
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 6 (1904), p. 92
為母的心得 (譯稿)(承前) - What can be learned from motherhood (draft translation) (continued)
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 7 (1904), p. 42
講習衛生 - Explaining hygiene
article: Nüzi Shijie vol. 1 no. 7 (1904), p. 91