Keywords assignment
foreign country (外國, wai guo) 157 entries |
論婦女醉心西法宜有節制 - On the need for restrictions on women’s infatuation with Western ways article: Funü Shibao vol. 1 no. 3 (1911), p. 46 |
新見聞隨筆 - Jottings on new knowledge article: Funü zazhi vol. 1 no. 9 (1915), p. 173 |
時事要聞 - Important news of the day article: Funü zazhi vol. 5 no. 8 (1919), p. 101 |
新式降雨機 - A new precipitation machine article: Funü zazhi vol. 8 no. 7 (1922), p. 91 |
黃先生的文化 - Mr. Huang's culture article: Funü zazhi vol. 13 no. 8 (1927), p. 85 |
玫瑰村 - Rose village article: Funü zazhi vol. 13 no. 9 (1927), p. 101 |
關於人的一些知識/社會的理想 - Knowledge about the human being/the dreams of the society article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 1 (1929), p. 113 |
智識怎樣能擴充/讀書 - How to expand knowledge/reading books article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 1 (1929), p. 148 |
不得解放的婦女/一 - Women who cannot be liberated/chapter one article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 2 (1929), p. 55 |
世界各國的結婚風俗 - Wedding customs of different countries around the world article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 2 (1929), p. 84 |
美國檀香山風景絕佳『呼啦』舞為該土人特長。此吾國華僑學校遊藝會中女生之表演呼啦舞也。 - The landscape of Honululu (USA) is fantastic; The local aboriginals are skilled in the "Hula" dance. This is the "Hula" dance performed by female students of the school for oversea Chinese at a fun fair. image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 4 |
黑影亦為本人為此影乃德國攝影家開斯燈之新作風 - The black shadow is me as well. Because this is the new style of the German photographer, Kaisideng. image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 1 (1931), p. 26 |
戴戒子之研究 - Study on Wearing Rings article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 2 (1931), p. 8 |
矮腿 - Short Legs article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 5 (1931), p. 19 |
遊阿非利加的一幕 - A scene in Visiting Africa article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 5 (1931), p. 29 |
遊阿非利加的一幕 - A scene in Visiting Africa image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 5 (1931), p. 29 |
男子身體之鍛煉.最為重要.不特精神愉快.且可卻病延壽.此影足示健美男子肌肉之飽滿.未知吾國男子具此體格者有幾人 - It is most important for men to do body exercises. One can not only keep a pleasant state of mind, but also get rid of illness and prolong one's life. This photo fully illustrates the well-developed muscles of this strong and handsome man. I don't know how many men in our country get such physique. image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 17 (1931), p. 30 |
西人夏日時作游泳之運動遊罷則集男女於海濱作露天之舞蹈或唱歌或彈琴或為歌彈者拍板誠夏日良好之消遣也 - The westerners swim in summer. After swimming, some dance, some sing, some play instrument, and some beat time with clappers in the open. It is indeed a good past-time in summer. image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 18 (1931), p. 20 |
西人夏日時作游泳之運動遊罷則集男女於海濱作露天之舞蹈或唱歌或彈琴或為歌彈者拍板誠夏日良好之消遣也 - The westerners swim in summer. After swimming, some dance, some sing, some play instrument, and some beat time with clappers in the open. It is indeed a good past-time in summer. image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 18 (1931), p. 21 |
德國女子,多半體態健美。蓋彼等多作戶外運動故也 - The posture of most of German women is healthy and beautiful. Because they often practise ourdoor sports image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 23 (1931), p. 15 |
(上)德國青年在草地上運動日與陽光為伍 - (Above) a sport day of German young people on the lawn, who make friends with sunshine image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 23 (1931), p. 16 |
德國男女老幼回到古代的生活 - German men and women, old and young return to the ancient [natural] life image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 23 (1931), p. 18 |
美國女大學生的時裝衣服上有題字與趣畫 - There are inscriptions and funny pictures on the fashionable clothing of American female college students image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 24 (1931), p. 36 |
歐美女子性喜運動.公餘之暇.時邀友赴海濱遊戲或游泳 - Women from Europe and America like sports by nature. At leisure time after work, they often invite friends to the beach to play games or swim image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 25 (1931), p. 18 |
最新發明吸板煙時所用之架.可不必用手支持由此可見西人欲求舒適無微不至 - A support of the newest invention used while smoking cavendish tabacco. One doesn't have to support the pipe with hand. Thus it can be seen that Westerners pursue comfort in every possible way. image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 29 (1931), p. 17 |
摩登的西餐枱純系玻璃製成極為清潔 - Modern western-style dinner table, completely made of glass, very clean image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 35 (1931), p. 16 |
下左乃古代印地安人的一種自然生活舞蹈的優美姿勢 - Lower left shows the beautiful posture of a natural life dance of ancient Indians image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 43 (1932), p. 24 |
一幅世界攝影名作,埃及少女 - An Egyptian Girl, a famous photograph in the world, image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 48 (1932), p. 20 |
海外奇聞三則 - Three pieces of odd news from overseas article: Linglong vol. 1 no. 48 (1932), p. 43 |
陳玉珥女士,性淑靜,好文學,其作品見於本刊本期,圖乃呂宋之裝束也。 - Ms Chen Yuer, gentle and demure by nature, fond of literature. Her article can be seen in this issue of our magazine. This picture shows her in Lusong costume. image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 50 (1932), p. 34 |
德國裸體生活之一瞥 [Two pictures] - A brief glance at the life of being naked in Germany image: Linglong vol. 1 no. 50 (1932), p. 35 |
菲律賓華僑第一女學校表演歌舞之女生 - The students from the Number one Chinese girls' school in the Philippines singing and dancing image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 59 (1932), p. 20 |
西國女子學習舞蹈前必有之工作 - The work women in the West have to do before they learn how to dance image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 62 (1932), p. 24 |
西國女子,登台表演,莫不有健美之體格,圖中所示之女子。即可代表一般矣。 - The women in the West who perform on the stage all have beautiful and healthy physiques. This woman shown in the picture could represent for the general. image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 62 (1932), p. 25 |
土國盛行搶親 - Taking a woman for marriage by force is popular in Turkey article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 62 (1932), p. 35 |
西宴禮節需知 - What one needs to know about the Western dining etiquette article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 64 (1932), p. 13 |
吞刀怪人幾乎喪命 - The knife-swallowing eccentric almost lost his life article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 64 (1932), p. 36 |
影戲觀眾目光大變 肉感風流不能動人 - The taste of film audience has greatly changed. The sexy and the amorous can not arouse one's feelings article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 64 (1932), p. 44 |
男子的屈服時代 - The age when men are yielding article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 69 (1932), p. 7 |
蘇俄的舞蹈 - Russian Dance image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 74 (1932), p. 32 |
蘇俄的舞蹈 - Russian Dance image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 74 (1932), p. 33 |
蘇俄的兒童健康 - Children's Health in Russian article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 75 (1932), p. 39 |
世界收入最多的小孩 - The Child Who Earns the Highest Salary in the World article: Linglong vol. 2 no. 76 (1932), p. 42 |
異國情調 - exoticism image: Linglong vol. 2 no. 80 (1932), p. 14 |
生在中國的奧大利女郎梭利瑪莉莎,充滿了異國的誘人情調 - Austrian girl Sari Maritza is born in China, she possesses exotic charisma image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 81 (1933), p. 47 |
角力 - wrestling image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 86 (1933), p. 26 |
侮辱我國的「女子」一幕 - a scene from the film "Women" which degrades our nation image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 86 (1933), p. 29 |
描寫日本女子痴情的蝴蝶夫人 - "Madame Butterfly", a film which depicts a Japanese woman as faithful lover image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 86 (1933), p. 29 |
侮辱到我國來的外片,在中國拍片污蔑中國 - foreign films insulting our nation, they are shotting films which degrade China in China article: Linglong vol. 3 no. 86 (1933), p. 46 |
票數最多之花后 - the flower queen who got the most votes image: Linglong vol. 3 no. 88 (1933), p. 22 |