
Keywords assignment

Medicine (醫藥, yi yao) 335 entries
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醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 8 (1929), p. 135
種德園著名良藥 - Zhong de yuan famous medicine
image: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 9 (1929), p. 112
醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 9 (1929), p. 141
種德園著名良藥 - Zhong de yuan famous medicine
image: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 10 (1929), p. 140
種德園著名良藥 - Zhong de yuan famous medicine
image: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 11 (1929), p. 99
醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 11 (1929), p. 173
醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 12 (1929), p. 148
種德園著名良藥 - Zhong de yuan famous medicine
image: Funü zazhi vol. 15 no. 12 (1929), p. 150
上海先施百貨公司郵寄部 - Mail order department of the Sincere Co,. Ltd.
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 1 (1930), p. 3
專治肺癆 午後潮熱「愛爾邦」各大藥房均有發售 - Specializes in treating tuberculosis and afternoon tidal fever 「ELBON」on sale in pharmacy
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 1 (1930), p. 11
我看你掌中寫的什麼藥?「拜耳阿斯匹靈」 - Let me see what medicine is written in your hand?「Bayer Aspirin」
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 1 (1930), p. 15
「保障小兒免罹疾病 須備嬰孩自己藥片」、「樣樣如意」韋廉士醫生藥局嬰孩自己藥片、如意膏 - Protect baby from dieases it is necessary to prepare Babys own pills Everything goes well with Babys own pills and She Ko skin cream in Docotr Williams pharmacy
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 1 (1930), p. 19
鷄眼「加斯血」為科學的新發明品 - Cure eyelet Jiasixue is the new invention of science; Creme Simon cosmetic from Paris
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 1 (1930), p. 153
現代醫學界人人必備之要籍《新藥大成》出版了! - The necessary book for people in modern medical field "The great achievement of new medicine" is now published !
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 1 (1930), p. 184
女界之寶「達越氏婦女調經止痛丸」 - The treasure for female "Tablets of hemagene tailleur"
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 1 (1930), p. 185
醫事衛生顧問 - Medical health consultant
article: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 1 (1930), p. 189
通經新藥阿葛滿新「汽巴」 - New medicine of menstrual smooth flow Agone msin "Ciba"
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 2 (1930), p. 21
「難為了小寶寶 何不給他嬰孩自己藥片」、「血痣奈何」韋廉士醫生藥局嬰孩自己藥片、如意膏 - Making the baby suffering Why not give him the babys pill, How to deal with
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 2 (1930), p. 26
女界之寶「達越氏婦女調經止痛丸」 - The treasure for female "Tablets of hemagene tailleur"
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 2 (1930), p. 178
「史斑通」出類拔萃的制育良藥 - Speton the ideals anticoncipiens
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 2 (1930), p. 183
頭痛「拜耳阿斯匹靈葯餅」 - Headache Bayer Aspirin
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 3 (1930), p. 15
專治肺癆 午後潮熱「愛爾邦」各大藥房均有發售 - Specializes in treating tuberculosis and afternoon tidal fever 「ELBON」on sale in pharmacy
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 3 (1930), p. 16
「清導丸使君安康 婦女福音」、「其愈可立而待也」韋廉士醫生藥局清導丸、如意膏 - Qingdao pill can enable your health and the good news for women, fast cure,Williams doctor pharmacy qingdao pill, sheko cream
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 3 (1930), p. 20
鷄眼如桎梏「加斯血」藥水 - Helosis is shackle Jia si xue liquid medicine
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 3 (1930), p. 170
「史斑通」出類拔萃的制育良藥 - Speton the ideals anticoncipiens
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 3 (1930), p. 170
拜耳阿斯匹靈 - Bayer Aspirin
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 11 (1930), p. 15
愛爾邦 - Elbon
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 11 (1930), p. 18
命運來時 - Destiny has come
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 11 (1930), p. 22
自尋野草試單方毋乃太古乎 - Is it too outdated to find wild plants for cure yourself?
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 11 (1930), p. 22
結核(癆病)之預防注射 - Injective methods of preventing tuberculosis (lao disease)
article: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 11 (1930), p. 138
醫學小叢書 - Little book series on medicine
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 11 (1930), p. 145
醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 11 (1930), p. 152
不遠千里 - Travelling long distance
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 12 (1930), p. 4
月經 - Period
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 12 (1930), p. 7
不速之客 - An unexpected guest
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 12 (1930), p. 19
婦女福音 - Women's gospel
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 12 (1930), p. 19
產婦科領域內瘧疾 - Malaria in the field of gynaecology and obstetrics
article: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 12 (1930), p. 129
肺癆患者盜汗之藥劑療法 - Pharmaceutical treatments for the sweating symptom of tuberculosis
article: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 12 (1930), p. 132
醫林叢刊 - Medicine book series
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 12 (1930), p. 133
醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 16 no. 12 (1930), p. 135
醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 1 (1931), p. 257
疔瘡 - Boils
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 2 (1931), p. 95
美國與新俄底女工生活的比較 - The comparison between lives of female workers in America and new Russia
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 2 (1931), p. 107
醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 2 (1931), p. 145
假期之放恣 - Acting unbridledly during holidays
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 3 (1931), p. 9
須備如意膏以防不測 - Need to prepare SHE-KO in case of emergency
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 3 (1931), p. 9
醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 3 (1931), p. 150
婦女讀物 - Women's readings
advertisement: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 4 (1931), p. 3
當我們有了小孩的時候/ 母親的第一課 - When we have kids/ The first lesson in motherhood
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 4 (1931), p. 113
醫事衛生顧問 - The consultor of medicine and sanitation
article: Funü zazhi vol. 17 no. 4 (1931), p. 149