Column: Home economics - 家政 457 entries with Funü zazhi - 婦女雜誌 |
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家政門 - image: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 61, |
於遊戲中寓教育兒童之法譯婦人世界 - article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 63, 64, 65, |
主婦之治家法譯美國婦人雜誌 - Housewife's methods of managing a household article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, |
育兒小言 (原名 Amusements of Children) - Small words on parenting article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 71, 72, 73, 74, |
預防飲食物腐敗之法 - Methods of preventing foodstuffs decomposition article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 75, 76, |
兒童問題之解決(續) - Solving children's problems (continued) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 77, 78, 79, 80, |
自然教育淺說 - Introduction to nature education article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 81, 82, |
小兒之衣食住 - Children's basic necessities article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 83, 84, |
家庭看護學(續) - The study of home nursing (continued) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 83, 84, |
儲蓄談 - Talks on savings article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 6 (1918), p. 90, 91, 92, |
家政 - Home economics [titlepage] article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 7 (1918), p. 71, |
家政 - Home economics image: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 7 (1918), p. 71, |
小兒夭亡問題 - Questions [concerning] premature death of children article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 7 (1918), p. 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, |
改良兒童習慣之原則譯美國婦人雜誌 - article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 7 (1918), p. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, |
物價騰貴與家庭養雞譯日本家庭雜誌 - Sky-rocketing commodity prices and [keeping] household chickens Translation from the Japanese Home magazine article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 7 (1918), p. 83, 84, 85, 86, |
婦人之衛生 - Women and hygiene article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 7 (1918), p. 87, 88, 89, 90, |
家庭看護學(續) - The study of home nursing (continued) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 7 (1918), p. 91, 92, 93, 94, |
兒童讀書之選擇法譯日本家庭雜誌 - Methods for selecting readings for children article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 7 (1918), p. 95, 96, 97, 98, |
學藝 - Learning and skils image: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 8 (1918), p. 25, |
家政 - Home economics image: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 8 (1918), p. 67, |
夏日清涼飲品食之研究 - Study of summertime refreshing foods and drinks article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 8 (1918), p. 69, 70, 71, 72, |
家庭衛生叢談 摘譯美國衛生雜誌 - Collected writings on home hygiene article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 8 (1918), p. 73, 74, 75, 76, |
家庭科學扇 - Home science: fans article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 8 (1918), p. 77, 78, |
教育智識偏蔽者當如何乎: 譯美國母範雜誌 - How to partically cover education ? Translation from American model mother magazine article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 8 (1918), p. 80, 81, 82, |
母教叢談 - Collection of mother's teachings (continued) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 8 (1918), p. 83, 84, |
家庭看護學(續) - The study of home nursing (continued) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 8 (1918), p. 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, |
婦人之衛生(續) - Women and hygiene (continued) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 8 (1918), p. 90, 91, 92, |
家政 - Home economics image: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 9 (1918), p. 69, |
家政 - Home economics image: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 9 (1918), p. 69, |
浴之研究 - A study of bathing article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 9 (1918), p. 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, |
小兒夭亡問題下(續四卷七號) - Questions [concerning] premature death of children (continued from vol. 4 issue 7) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 9 (1918), p. 77, 78, 79, 80, |
自然教育淺說(續四卷六號) - Introduction to nature education (continued from vol. 4 issue 6) article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 9 (1918), p. 81, 82, |
夏日清涼飲食品之研究 - Study of summertime refreshing foods and drinks article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 9 (1918), p. 83, 84, 85, 86, |
得利之因數 譯美國衛生雜誌 - Benefit of factors [in mathemtics] translated from America's hygiene magazine article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 9 (1918), p. 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, |
有益人生之新食物(一)薏苡仁譯婦女世界 - Usefulness for life of new foods (one) translated from Ladies world [magazine] article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 9 (1918), p. 93, 94, 95, 96, |
家庭簡易醫方摘譯美國衛生雜誌 - article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 10 (1918), p. , |
家庭簡易醫方摘譯美國衛生雜誌 - article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 10 (1918), p. , |
有益人生之新食物 - article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 10 (1918), p. 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, |
兒童健康計測法譯日本衛生學報 - Measurements of healthy children translated from Japanese hygiene studies magazine article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 10 (1918), p. 77, 78, 79, 80, |
腋臭之家庭治療法譯日本家庭雜誌 - Treatment methods of underarm odor translated from Japanese family magazine article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 10 (1918), p. 81, 82, 83, |
美國家庭可供取法之優點譯日本家庭雜誌 - The advantages of emulating borrowing methods [from] American households translted from Japnese household magazine article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 10 (1918), p. 84, 85, 86, |
兒童龋齒之預防與口中之衛生 - Prevention of child tooth decay and mouth [dental] hygiene article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 10 (1918), p. 87, 88, |
家政 - Home economics article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 11 (1918), p. 67, |
家政門 - Home economics image: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 11 (1918), p. 67, |
說家庭之趣味 - Discussing fun for the family article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 11 (1918), p. 69, 70, |
家屋消毒法 - Disinfecting the home article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 11 (1918), p. 71, 72, 73, 74, |
小學生之齒牙病譯美國衛生雜誌 - Dental diseases in students translated from American Hygiene magazine article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 11 (1918), p. 75, 76, |
余意中之新家庭 - New household article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 11 (1918), p. 77, 78, 79, |
嬰兒的哺乳法 - Methods of nursing new borns article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 11 (1918), p. 80, 81, 82, |
孕婦問答 - Questions and answers about being pregnant article: Funü zazhi vol. 4 no. 11 (1918), p. 82, 83, |