Founding Date:
End of publication:
1933-12-28 (uncertain)
Size of a sheet: 40 x 28 cm.
Format: 4 pages
......... Details: medium-sized quadratic pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... folding: vertically

- Original paper: issue no. 33 (1932-06-02): page 1: (本報) "是電影與無缐電鼻祖;是彩紙四開報之創始者..."
- Scans: are generally of bad quality, i.e. the images are very dark, rendering some texts and almost all of the pictures difficult or impossible to read.

Standard price
- issue no. 3 (1932-05-03): page 2: special (introductory?) price: 本埠零售:現特價僅售銅元六枚
- issue no. 6 (1932-05-06): page 4: standard price: 本報價目:每日四頁四分;每月大洋七角;每三個月二元 (寄費在内)

Subscription price:
- issue no. 4 (1932-05-04): page 2: subscription price: 優待訂閲:直接定戶每月連寄費原價一元一角現以創刊紀念特價每月僅收七角即小洋八角
- issue no. 124 (1932-09-01): page 1: 本報自本日起、對於新訂閲者概照特價收費、每月僅七角、。。。

Prominent agents:
婦女日報 fu nu ri bao ()
Summary of Content:
Columns/ sections:
1. Dian ying 電影 Movie Critic
... issue no. 0001 (1932-05-01) - last issue
2. Wu xian dian 無缐電 Radio News
... issue no. 0005 (1932-05-05) - last issue
3. Yu le 娛樂 / Ti yu yu le 體育娛樂 / Ti yu ri bao 體育日報
... issue no. 0094 (1932-08-02) - no. 0150 (1932-09-27): Yu le 娛樂
... issue no. 0151 (1932-09-28) - no. 0189 (1932-11-06): Ti yu yu le 體育娛樂
... issue no. 0191 (1932-11-08) - no. 0238 (1932-12-25): Ti yu ri bao 體育日報
4. Fu nu ri bao 婦女日報
... issue no. 0217 (1932-12-04) - no. 0270 (1933-01-30)

1. Dian sheng ri bao tu hua fu kan 電聲日報圖畫附刊 Radio Movie News Pictorial Supplement
... issue no. 0001 (1932-05-01) - no. 0031 (1932-05-31), at least
2. Dian sheng hua ye 電聲畫頁
... issue no. 0206 (1932-11-23) and no. 0213 (1932-11-30)

The earliest issues of Dian sheng ri bao were divided into three parts: The sections “Dian ying 電影 - Movie Critic” on page 1 and “Wu xian dian 無缐電 – Radio News” on pages 2 and 3, as well as the supplement, “Dian sheng ri bao tu hua fu kan 電聲日報圖畫附刊 – Radio Movie News Pictorial Supplement”, on page 4. The “Pictorial Supplement” soon vanished (some time after its appearance in issue no. 31 (1932-05-31) on page 4). The two sections “Movie Critic” and “Radio News”, though, were permanently part of Dian sheng ri bao. They were still published in the last Dian sheng ri bao issue available in ECPO (issue no. 271 (1932-01-31), on pages 2, 3, and 4). Early issues of Dian sheng ri bao also described themselves as “the originator of Dian ying and Wu xian dian (shi Dian ying yu Wu xian dian bi zu 是電影與無缐電鼻祖)", cf. e.g. issue no. 33 (1932-06-02), page 1).

A third section was added in August 1932 and first called “Yu le 娛樂” (Entertainment) (issue no. 94 (1932-08-02) on page 4). It soon gained the subtitle “Ti yu 體育” (Sports) (issue no. 119, 1932-08-27, page 4) and then changed its main title into “Ti yu yu le 體育娛樂” (Sports and Entertainment) (issue no. 151, 1932-09-28, page 4). Eventually, with issue no. 191 (1932-11-08), this section became “Ti yu ri bao 體育日報”, until it was published for the last time (as far as can be gleaned from the materials available in ECPO) in December 1932 (issue no. 238 (1932-12-25) page 3). At that point, Dian sheng ri bao described itself as "a composite publication of the three daily papers 'Dian ying', 'Wu xian dian', and 'Ti yu'" (Ben bao shi Dian ying, Wu xian dian, Ti yu, san ri bao zhi lian he kan 本報是電影、無缐電、體育,三日報之聯合刊, issue no. 216 (1932-12-03) on page 2).

A fourth section - and replacement for "Ti yu ri bao" - became part of Dian sheng ri bao in December 1932: Fu nu ri bao 婦女日報 (Women’s Daily, published for the first time in issue no. 217 (1932-12-04), on page 2). Fu nu ri bao is slightly set apart from the other sections of Dian sheng ri bao: It did get counted by its “own” independent issue numbers, starting off with an “inaugural issue” (chuang kan hao 創刊號). It was not edited by Liang Xinxi 梁心璽, the editor of Dian sheng ri bao, but by staff of the magazine Ling long 玲瓏 (“Ling long fu nu za zhi bian 玲瓏婦女雜誌編”, cf. issue no. 217 (1932-12-04) on page 2). And its layout differs from the layout of the other sections: For the other three sections, the section title, e.g. “Wu xian dian”, is written in a stylized, angular script, and appears with background illustrations that give a modern, futuristic feel. Fu nu ri bao’s section title, though, is identical in style to its mother publication Ling long’s.

A second supplement of Dian sheng ri bao, “Dian sheng hua ye 電聲畫頁” appeared only in two or three issues. Among the issues held by ECPO are "no. 2" (第二號) and "no. 3" (第三號), published in issues no. 206 and 213 of Dian sheng ri bao, on 1932-11-23, and 1932-11-30, respectively.

(Lena Hessel, 26.05.2019)

Publishing history:
Publishing & distribution:
- issue no. 6 (1932-05-06): page 4: 現對折優待;舘址 南京路 五十六號
- issue no. 137 (1932-09-14), page 1: 電聲日報:編輯者 梁心璽;發行者 三和公司;印刷者 儀成印務局;舘址 上海南京路 五十六號
- issue no. 216 (1932-12-03), page 1: 電聲日報:編輯者  梁心璽;登記證 八〇二號;(廾一年九月二十日);發行者  三和公司; 印刷這 儀成印務局;舘址  上海南京路  五十六號;電話  一九四一九

Distribution process:
- issue no. 6 (1932-05-06): page 1: 本報緊要啓事:本報出版時、本報各報販、往往在數小時内、售賣一空、後至者則無以應命、每日「並未出版」實則本報每天出版、從未間斷、特此鄭重聲明、。。。

Advertisement policy:
- issue no. 2 (1932-05-02): page 2: 本報聲明:我們為避免言論受約束起見。凡一切電影院廣告。完全拒絕刊登。本報電影部啓
- issue no. 6 (1932-05-06): page 4: 廣告價目:每格五方寸;定價五元

Quality control:
- issue no. 2 (1932-05-02): page 2: 本報啓事:【】同人籌備本報。爲時僅三天。昨日即偬促出版、内容未免簡漏、此後自儅務力改良、力求讀者滿意、 【】關於「無缐電節目表」如有錯誤、請讀者隨時報告
- Staement of integrity as motto for the section "Movie Critic", e.g. issue no. 246 (1933-01-02), page 2, under the title "Movie Critic": ▲不為壓力所屈 ▲不受人之利用 ▲不收免費映卷 ‖ 消息靈通正確‖ 批評嚴正忠實 ‖

Publication Type:
電影 (dian ying) - FILM
小報 (xiao bao) - XIAOBAO
Assigned Holdings:
University of Heidelberg. Digitized from microfilm collected by Shanghai tushuguan, 1996.2 reels.

ECPO holdings:
No. 0001 (1932-05-01) - No. 0271 (1933-03-07)

Issues missing in ECPO:
No. 0149 (1932-09-26) missing

Time periods with no issues published:
(1933-01-26) - (1933-01-31)

ECPO issue copies with damages:

No. 0001 (1932-05-01) p. 1 lower left corner, p. 2 and 3
No. 0002 (1932-05-02) - (1932-05-03) p. 3 and 4
No. 0004 (1932-05-04) damaged
No. 0006 (1932-05-06) - (1932-05-08) parts are cut out
No. 0010 (1932-05-10) parts are cut out
No. 0013 (1932-05-13) - No. 0018 (1932-05-18) parts are cut out
No. 0021 (1932-05-21) parts are cut out
No. 0023 (1932-05-23) parts are cut out
No. 0024 (1932-05-24) - (1932-05-31) cut-outs and other damage
No. 0032 (1932-06-01) damaged
No. 0034 (1932-06-03) parts are cut out
No. 0036 (1932-06-05) parts are cut out
No. 0037 (1932-06-06) damaged
No. 0040 (1932-06-09) p. 3 lower left corner
No. 0044 (1932-06-13) damaged
No. 0045 (1932-06-14) parts are cut out
No. 0047 (1932-06-16) damaged
No. 0050 (1932-06-19) - (1932-06-20) damaged
No. 0055 (1932-06-24) - (1932-06-25) parts are cut out
No. 0058 (1932-06-27) damaged
No. 0061 (1932-06-30) parts are cut out
No. 0062 (1932-07-01) - (1932-07-02) parts are cut out
No. 0065 (1932-07-04) - (1932-07-08) parts are cut out
No. 0071 (1932-07-10) p. 3 lower left corner
No. 0072 (1932-07-11) - (1932-07-13) p. 3 lower right corner
No. 0076 (1932-07-15) damaged
No. 0079 (1932-07-18) damaged
No. 0082 (1932-07-21) p. 3 lower left corner
No. 0084 (1932-07-23) parts are cut out
No. 0086 (1932-07-25), No. 0090 (1932-07-29), No. 0091 (1932-07-30) parts are cut out
No. 0093 (1932-08-01) - No. 0094 (1932-08-02) parts are cut out
No. 0096 (1932-08-04) p. 3 lower right corner
No. 0099 (1932-08-07) - No. 0101 (1932-08-09) parts are cut out
No. 0107 (1932-08-15) damaged
No. 0114 (1932-08-22), No. 0115 (1932-08-23) damaged
No. 0117 (1932-08-25) parts are cut out
No. 0124 (1932-09-01) damaged
No. 0125 (1932-09-02) parts are cut out
No. 0127 (1932-09-04) parts are cut out
No. 0130 (1932-09-07) damaged
No. 0133 (1932-09-10) - No. 0134 (1932-09-11) parts are cut out
No. 0135 (1932-09-12) damaged
No. 0136 (1932-09-13) parts are cut out
No. 0138 (1932-09-15) damaged
No. 0142 (1932-09-19) damaged
No. 0145 (1932-09-22) - No. 0146 (1932-09-23) damaged
No. 0152 (1932-09-29) damaged
No. 0155 (1932-10-02) parts are cut out
No. 0156 (1932-10-03) p. 3 and 4
No. 0159 (1932-10-06) p. 3 and 4
No. 0164 (1932-10-12) p. 3 and 4
No. 0166 (1932-10-14) parts are cut out
No. 0167 (1932-10-15) - No. 0168 (1932-10-16) damaged
No. 0169 (1932-10-17) parts are cut out
No. 0174 (1932-10-22) parts are cut out
No. 0179 (1932-10-27) parts are cut out
No. 0184 (1932-11-01) parts are cut out
No. 0187 (1932-11-04) - (1932-11-05) parts are cut out
No. 0194 (1932-11-11) parts are cut out
No. 0200 (1932-11-17) p. 1 and 2
No. 0212 (1932-11-29) parts are cut out
No. 0217 (1932-12-04) p. 3 lower left corner
No. 0219 (1932-12-06) parts are cut out
No. 0224 (1932-12-11) p. lower left corner
No. 0225 (1932-12-12) parts are cut out
No. 0227 (1932-12-14) p. 1 upper right corner
No. 0230 (1932-12-17) parts are cut out
No. 0234 (1932-12-21) parts are cut out
No. 0237 (1932-12-24) parts are cut out

No. 0257 (1933-01-17) parts are cut out
No. 0269 (1933-02-04) parts are cut out

Other database(s): ---



1932 | 245 Issues

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