Team members | Bibliography

Members of the research group.

ECPO project - extended staff (to 2016):

  • Barbara Mittler, Sun Liying, Matthias Arnold, Wolfgang Häberle, Jörg Torkler, Lena Hessel - Heidelberg University, Germany
  • Joan Judge, Doris Sung - York University, Canada
  • Michel Hockx - SOAS, UK
  • Catherine V. Yeh - Boston University
  • Christopher Hamm - University of Washington Seattle
  • Yu Chien-ming, Lien Lingling, Sophy Chen - Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  • Joerg Torkler - medianale group

Staff at the HCTS at Heidelberg:

Members of the Ground Truth team.

  • Staff: Matthias Arnold, Jörg Torkler
    Former members: XIE Jia 谢佳 (2018-2022), YIP Suk Man (2021-2022), Konstantin Henke (2021-2022); Zhang Shimin (2021-2022), Duncan Paterson (2019-2021), Kevin Ewendt (2018-2019), Lena Hessel (2013-2019), KUO Chih-wen (2019), KUO Teng-feng (2019), LIU Ming (2018), PI Chenying (2019), ZHENG Xinyu (2019), ZUO Ruyi (2019)

We are always looking for new team members and contributors to the database: if you have a related research project or available materials that you would like to include within the framework of ECPO, please contact us!

Bibliography | Team members

(For presentations please scroll down.)

Sung, Doris. Women of Chinese Modern Art: Gender and Reforming Traditions in National and Global Spheres, 1900s–1930s. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. 2024.

Henke, Konstantin, and Matthias Arnold. “Language Model Assisted OCR Classification for Republican Chinese Newspaper Text.” Taipei, Taiwan. In 數位典藏與數位人文 (Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities), no. 12 (October 1, 2023): 119. DOI 10.6853/DADH.202310_(12).0001.

Gray, Basil, and Doris Sung. “China: Exhibitions.” Grove Art Online, October 10, 2023. DOI: 10.1093/oao/9781884446054.013.90000371760

谢佳, and 叶淑敏. 民国报纸文本基准真值制作的挑战与思考——以《晶报》为例 (Challenges and Thoughts in Making Text Ground Truth for Republican Chinese Newspaper: Taking Jing Bao as an example). Beijing. In 数字人文研究  ( Digital Humanities Research) 3, no. 4 (2023): 4962. CNKI English version on Zenodo.

Sung, Doris. “Flowers of the Four Seasons: Women Artists in Late Imperial China.” In Hand-Held: The Four Seasons in Chinese Painting, edited by Katherine Anne Paul, 40–51. Birmingham, AL: Birmingham Museum of Art. 2023.

Arnold, Matthias, Duncan Paterson, and Jia Xie. “Procedural Challenges: Machine Learning Tasks for OCR of Historical CJK Newspapers.” In Int J Digit Humanities, Special Issue on Digital Humanities and East Asian Studies, 4 (2023): 147–70.

Arnold, Matthias. “Multilingual Research Projects: Non-Latin Script Challenges for Making Use of Standards, Authority Files, and Character Recognition.” In Digital Studies / Le Champ Numérique 12, no. 1 (September 28, 2022).

Arnold, Matthias, and Henrike Rudolph. "Network Data in the Early Chinese Periodicals Online Database (ECPO)." In: Journal of Historical Network Research. 5.1 (2021): 288-302. [Special issue "Beyond guanxi: Chinese Historical Networks," ed. Song CHEN and Henrike Rudolph.] DOI 10.25517/jhnr.v5i1.118.

Henke, Konstantin. Building and Improving an OCR Classifier for Republican Chinese Newspaper Text. Bachelor thesis. Heidelberg University. 2021. DOI 10.11588/heidok.00030845.

Sung, Doris. “Chinese Women Artists in the Early Twentieth Century.” Research database. AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions, December 10, 2021.

Sung, Doris. “Shenbao [Shun Pao; Shanghai News].” Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press. November 11, 2020.

Arnold, Matthias und Lena Hessel. “Transforming data silos into knowledge: Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO).” In: E-Science-Tage 2019: Data to Knowledge.  Hg. von Vincent Heuveline, Fabian Gebhard und Nina Mohammadianbisheh. Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2020, pp. 95-109. DOI: 10.11588/heibooks.598.c8420.

Henke, Konstantin & Arnold, Matthias. (2022). "Building and Improving an OCR Classifier for Republican Chinese Newspaper Text." DHd 2022 Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. 8. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2022), Potsdam. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6327919 and 10.5281/zenodo.6322593.

Henke, Konstantin. Building and improving an OCR classifier for Republican Chinese newspaper text. BA thesis, Heidelberg University, 2021. DOI: 10.11588/heidok.00030845.

Hockx, Michel, Joan Judge; Barbara Mittler eds. Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century: A Space of their Own? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2018.

Hu, Siaochen. “Voices of Female Educators in Early-Twentieth-Century Women's Magazines.” In Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century: A Space of their Own?,ed. Joan Judge, Barbara Mittler and Michel Hockx. (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2018), 176-191.

Judge, Joan. Republican Lens: Gender, Visuality, and Experience in the Early Chinese Periodical Press. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2015.

Judge, Joan. “Foreign Knowledge of Bodies: Japanese Sources, Western Science, and China’s Republican Lady.” In Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century: A Space of their Own?, ed. Joan Judge, Barbara Mittler and Michel Hockx. (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2018), 255-281.

Judge, Joan. “The Republican Lady, the Courtesan, and the Photograph: Visibility and Sexuality in Early Twentieth-Century China.” In Facing East Asia: Histories of Studio Portrait Photography, ed. Luke Gartlan and Roberta Wue. Ashgate, Routledge, 2017, 191-208.

Judge, Joan. The Fate of the Late Imperial Cainü: Gender and Historical Change in Early 20th Century China. In Transformations: Gender And Chinese History, ed. Beverly Bossler. University of Washington Press, 2015, 139-60.

Judge, Joan. “Sinology, Feminist History, and Everydayness in the Early Republican Periodical Press.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 40:3 (Spring 2015), 563-87.

Judge, Joan. “Chinese Women’s History: Global Circuits, Local Meanings.” Journal of Women’s History 25:4 (2013), 224-44.

Judge, Joan. “Portraits of Republican Ladies: Materiality and Representation in Early Twentieth Century Chinese Photographs.” In Visualising China. Moving and Still images in Historical Narratives, ed. Christian Henriot and Yeh Wen-hsin. (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 131-70.

Joan Judge (Ji Jiazhen 季家珍). “Everydayness as a Critical Category of Gender Analysis: The Case of ‘Funü Shibao’ (The Women’s Eastern Times) 性別分析的關鍵範疇「日常性」:以《婦女時報〉為中心.” Jindai Zhongguo funü shi yanjiu 近代中国婦女史研究(Research on Women in Modern Chinese History) 20 (December 2012): 1–28.

Judge, Joan. “Richang de shijie zhuyi: Funü shibao zhong de yiyao guanggao” 日常的世界主義:《婦女時報》中的醫藥廣告 (Quotidian Cosmpolitanism: Medical Advertisments in Funü Shibao (The Women’s Eastern Times). Submitted. Jindai Zhongguo funü shi yanjiu 近代中国婦女史研究 (Research on Women in Modern Chinese History).

Mittler, Barbara. “Portrait(s) of a Trope: New Women and New Men in Chinese Women’s Magazines, 1898-2008,” book manuscript.

Mittler, Barbara. “Imagined Communities Divided: Reading Visual Regimes in Shanghai’s Newspaper Advertising (1860s-1910s).” In Visualising China. Moving and Still images in Historical Narratives, ed. Christian Henriot and Yeh Wen-hsin. (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 267-377.

Mittler, Barbara. “Von großen Händen und kleinen Füßen—Emanzipation auf Chinesisch.” In Frauenbilder /Frauenkörper—Inszenierungen des Weiblichen in den Gesellschaften Süd- und Ostasiens, ed. Stephan Köhn and Heike Moser. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013), 291-312.

Mittler, Barbara. “Ten Thousand Pucks and Punches: Satirical Themes and Variations seen Transculturally.” In Asian Punches: A Transcultural Affair,ed. Hans Harder and Barbara Mittler. [Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context] (Heidelberg: Springer 2013), 423-444.

Mittler, Barbara. „Transboundary Bodies: Eunuchs, Humanity, and Historiography in China.” In Menschen-Bilder—Darstellungen des Humanen in der Wissenschaft, ed.Markus Hilgert and Michael Wink. [Heidelberger Jahrbücher, Bd. 54] (2012), 149-179.

Mittler, Barbara. “Von großen Händen und kleinen Füßen—Emanzipation auf Chinesisch.” In Frauenbilder / Frauenkörper—Inszenierungen des Weiblichen in den Gesellschaften Süd- und Ostasiens, ed. Stephan Köhn and Heike Moser. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013), 291-312.

Mittler, Barbara. “The New (Wo)man and Her/His Others: Foreigners on the Pages of China’s Women’s Magazines.” In Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century: A Space of their Own?, ed. Joan Judge, Barbara Mittler and Michel Hockx. (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2018), 302-331. 

Mittler, Barbara. “Images, Realities and Powers: Gender Interactions in China’s Vernacular Media, 1909-1939.” In ‘The Way I See It’—Transcultural Perspectives on Image, Gaze and Perception, ed. Nic Leonardt et al. (under submission)

Mittler, Barbara. “Small Feet and Large Hands: (Utopian) Visions of Womanhood in China’s long 20th century.” InBorderlines (web-cssaame) in press.

Sun, Liying. “Engendering A Journal: Editors and Nudes in Linglong and its Global Context.” In Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century: A Space of their Own?, ed. Joan Judge, Barbara Mittler and Michel Hockx. (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2018), 57-73.

Sun, Liying 孫麗瑩. “‘Gaoshang yule’? Linglong zhong de luoti tuxiang, shijue zaixian yu bianji juece” “高尚娛樂”?《玲瓏》中的裸體圖像,視覺再現與編輯決策 (“Sophisticated Entertainment”? Nudes, Visual Representations, and Editorial Agency in Linglong (1931-1937)”). In Xingbie yu shijue--bainian Zhongguo yingxiang yanjiu 性別與視覺——百年中國影像研究 (Gender and Visuality: Research on Chinese Images from the Last One-Hundred Years), ed. Wang Zheng, Lü Xinyu. Shanghai: Fudan daxue chubanshe, 2016.

Sun, Liying. “Body Un/Dis-Covered: Luoti, Editorial Agency and Transcultural Production in Chinese Pictorials (1925-1933).” PhD dissertation, University of Heidelberg, 2014.

Sun, Liying. “Cong Sheying huabao dao Linglong: qikan chuban yu Sanhe gongsi de jingying celüe (1920s-1930s)” 從《攝影畫報》到《玲瓏》:期刊出版與三和公司的經營策略(1920s -1930s) (From Pictorial Weekly to Linloon Magazine: the Periodical Production and the Publishing Strategies of San Ho Company). In Research on Women in Modern Chinese History 近代中國婦女史研究 (June 2014).

Sun, Liying. “1920 niandai Shanghai de huajia, zhishi fenzi yu luoti shijue wenhua--yi Zhang Jingsheng ‘Luoti yanjiu’ wei zhongxin” 1920 年代上海的畫家、知識份子與裸體視覺文化——以張競生〈裸體研究〉為中心 (Artists, Intellectuals, and the Visual Culture of Unclothed Bodies in 1920s Shanghai: Zhang Jingsheng’s “A Study of Unclothed Bodies”). Tsinghua Journal of Chinese Literature 10 (December 2013): 287–340.

Sun, Liying and Matthias Arnold. “TS Tools: How to design a database of historical periodicals.” (DOI 10.18352/ts.268TS: Tijdschrift voor Tijdschriftstudies (Periodical for Periodical Studies), (July 2013): 73-78.

Sung, Doris, Liying Sun, and Matthias Arnold. “The Birth of a Database of Historical Periodicals: Chinese Women’s Magazines in the Late Qing and Early Republican Period.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 33, no. 2 (2014): 227–237.

Sung, Doris. “Redefining Female Talents: Funü shibaoFunü zazhi, and the Development of ‘Women’s Art’ in China.” In Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century: A Space of their Own?, ed. Joan Judge, Barbara Mittler and Michel Hockx. (Cambridge: Cambridge University, 2018), 121-140.

Sung, Doris. “Naistenlehdet, 1900-Luvun Alun Uudet Ilmaisukanavat” (New Channels of Expression: Voices in Women’s Magazines in the Late Qing and Early Republican China). In Enemmän Kuin Puoli Taivasta: Kiinalainen Nainen Historiassa, Yhteiskunnassa Ja Kulttuurissa (More than Half the Sky: Chinese Women in History, Society and Culture), ed. Tiina Airaksinen, Elina Sinkkonen, and Minna Valjakka. (Helsinki: Art House, 2016), 341–46.

Presentations (selection)

Arnold, Matthias. “Towards Fulltext of Republican Chinese Newspapers.” Berlin. Charting the European D-SEA: Digital Scholarship in East Asian Studies Conference (D-SEA 2024), July 11–12, 2024. Slides: 10.5281/zenodo.12807820

谢佳, and 叶淑敏. “民国报纸文本基准真值制作的挑战与思考——以《晶报》为例 (Challenges and Thoughts in Making Text Ground Truth for Republican Chinese Newspaper: Taking Jing Bao as an example).” 2022年中国数字人文年会(CDH2022). November 26, 2022. This paper received the "Outstanding Paper Award" (最佳论文奖). Paper: CNKI (Chinese); Zenodo (English)

Henke, Konstantin, and Matthias Arnold. “Building an OCR Pipeline for a Republican Chinese Entertainment Newspaper.” Tokyo, 233–36. Digital Humanities 2022 - Responding to Asian Diversity (DH2022), held July 25–29, 2022. 2022. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6646899.

Jia Xie and Suk Man Yip. "Making Ground Truth for Republican Chinese Newspaper: Taking Jing Bao as an example." Presentation at the Digital Orientalist’s 2022 Conference “Infrastructures”, June 25, 2022. Abstract.

Suk Man YIP, Jia XIE, Konstantin Henke, Matthias Arnold. "Early Chinese Periodicals Onlnine (ECPO): Ein Projekt stellt sich vor." Vortrag gehalten am 31. Mai 2022, Konfuzius Institut Heidelberg (online). Video recording (in German)

Konstantin Henke and Matthias Arnold. "Building and Improving an OCR Classifier for Republican Chinese Newspaper Text." DHd 2022 Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. Poster presentation at the 8. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2022), Potsdam. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6327919 and 10.5281/zenodo.6322593.

Konstantin Henke and Matthias Arnold. "Building and Improving an OCR Classifier on Republican Chinese Newspaper Text." 第十二屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會 (12th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities),  「實用資料 X 數位人文」 (Practical Data X Digital Humanities), 國立彰化師範大學 National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan, online, December 10-12, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5772127 (abstract).

Matthias Arnold and Henrike Rudolph. "Database Presentation: Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO)." Conference "Historical Network Research in Chinese Studies", online, July 13-14, 30-31, 2021. Conference websiteslides and video recording.

Matthias Arnold. Ground Truth, Neural Networks, OCR: Towards Full Text of Republican China Newspapers. Video presentation at the Association for Asian Studies 2021 Virtual Annual Conference, AAS2021, online, March 21-26, 2021. 

Matthias Arnold. "Semantic segmentation and document layout recognition - approaches to full text recognition of early Chinese newspapers." NewsEye Conference, online, March 16-17, 2021. Conference blogabstractvideo recording.

Matthias Arnold. “Wege zur Erschließung der frühen chinesischen Presse.” Paper presented at the Workshop OCR - Herausforderungen und Lösungen für Zeitungen & Zeitschriften, organised by the DHd AG Zeitungen & Zeitschriften, Frankfurt/Main, November 11, 2019. Programme and slides.

Matthias Arnold and Lena Hessel. "Transforming data silos into knowledge: Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO)." Paper presentated at the E-Science-Days 2019, Heidelberg, March 29, 2019. Slides.

Matthias Arnold. “Republikzeitliche chinesische Presse – Crowdsourcing und andere Wege in Richtung Volltext”. Vortrag auf dem Challenge Workshop Herausforderungen bei der Analyse von alten Schriften im digitalen Zeitalter (HAASDZ18), Heidelberg, 29./30.  Oktober 2018. Slidesconference.

Matthias Arnold. “Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO): From Digitization towards Open Data”. Presentation at The Eighth Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities (JADH2018) "Leveraging Open data", Tokyo, September 9-11, 2018. Slides.

Video recordings

English: Ground Truth, Neural Networks, OCR: Towards Full Text of Republican China Newspapers. AAS 2021, March 2021, 21:30 min

Deutsch: Early Chinese Periodicals Onlnine (ECPO): Ein Projekt stellt sich vor. Konfuzius Institut Heidelberg, 2022-05-31, 60 min.

Videointerview: Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO)Heidelberger Forum Edition, 2015-06-29, 23 min.

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