End of publication:
Issue no. 0001 (1919-03-03) - issue no. 1618 (1932-10-06): Every three days.
Issue no. 1619 (1932-10-10) - end of publication: Daily.
no issue / missing issues: 1933-05-03
Size of a sheet: 38 x 26 cm.
Format: Changes in detail:
4 pages
......... No. 0001 (1919-03-03) - no. 1538 (1932-01-30)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
2 pages
......... No. 1539 (1932-02-01) - no. 1554 (1932-03-24)
......... Details: large rectangular pages, 1 page per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
4 pages
......... No. 1555 (1932-03-27) - no. 3318 (1937-08-15)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
2 pages
......... No. 3319 (1937-08-16) - no. 3411 (1937-12-25)
......... Details: large rectangular pages, 1 page per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
......... No. 3320 - 3334 (1937-10-09) are published "outside of the regular publishing schedule" ("hao wai" 號外).
4 pages
......... No. 3412 (1938-01-19) - no. 3794 (1939-02-07)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
8 pages
......... No. 3795 (1939-04-21) - no. 3939 (1939-10-15)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
6 pages
......... No. 3940 (1939-10-16) - no. 4105 (1940-03-20)
......... Details: 4 small rectangular pages: 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
......... Details: 2 large rectangular pages: 1 page per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
4 pages
......... No. 4106 (1940-03-21) - no. 4157 (1940-05-23)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
Original print & paper: lithography.
Issue prices changed during the course of publication:
Issue no. 0001 (1919-03-03): 今日一張零售大洋二分
Issue no. 1207 (1929-04-03): 今日一張零售大洋二分四釐
Issue no. 1430 (1931-03-03): 今日一張零售大洋二分八釐
Issue no. 3412 (1938-01-19): 今日壹張售銅元肆枚
Issue no. 3795 (1938-04-21): 今日贰張售國幣贰分四厘
Issue no. 3796 (1938-04-22): 今日兩全張售國幣贰分四厘
Issue no. 3841 (1939-10-17): 今日壹張半售國幣三分
Issue no. 3842 (1939-10-18): 今日兩張售國幣三分
Issue no. 4060 (1940-02-13): 今日兩張售國幣四分
Issue no. 4106 (1940-03-21): 今日一張售國幣四分
Issue no. 4132 (1940-04-24): 今日一張售國幣五分
Prominent agents:
神州日報館 Shenzhou ribao guan (Publisher)
余大雄 Yu Daxiong (Founder)
芥塵 Jiechen (Editor)
Summary of Content:
1919年3月3日由創刊于上海, 創辦人餘大雄,初為三日刊,后改為日刊。原繫《神州日報》附刊,但也單獨髮行。1940年5月23日停刊。
1932年10月,餘大雄同張竹平、須彌一起將《晶報》改為日刊,並進行了一繫列革新。餘大雄死后,該報一度由錢芥塵接辦,在美商A. Tedoro的名義下繼續齣版。之后又由傾嚮日方的關某主編,常登同盟社的消息,因此失去讀者。1940年5月停刊,歷時21年。
From: Chinese Entertainment Newspapers Database http://xiaobao.uni-hd.de (unpublished record).
Publishing history:
Chronology of publishing details, according to information published with the paper:
Chinese Entertainment Newspapers Database http://xiaobao.uni-hd.de (unpublished record):
Publication medium:
Chinese Entertainment Newspapers Database http://xiaobao.uni-hd.de (unpublished record):
初為 神州日報 附刊, 後隨主報發行並單獨發行。 後因 神州日報 虧損太大, 晶報 被轉讓給主持 中南晚報 的蔣裕泉。
(Contact details for) Editor /Publisher:
Issue no. 0001 (1919-03-03): 社址 上海望平街
Issue no. 3412 (1938-01-19): 舘址 漢口路二九九號 電話九三四二八
Issue no. 4022 (1940-01-01): A. L. Teodoro
Publication Type:
電影 (dian ying) - FILM
電影 (dian ying) - FILM
小報 (xiao bao) - XIAOBAO
家庭生活 ( jia ting sheng huo) - FAMILY LIFE
綜合 (zong he) - MISCELLA- NEOUS
時尚生活 ( shi shang sheng huo) - LIFESTYLE
文藝 (wen yi) - ART
Assigned Holdings:
Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg, digitalized from 1986 microfilm collected by Shanghai tushuguan.
4255-4313/-4327 M
Issues held by ECPO:
Issues No. 0001 (1919-03-03) - No. 4157 (1940-05-23).
Issues missing in ECPO:
The collection at Shanghai library is incomplete. No images in the microfilm between 1939.02.07 and 1939.04.21.
Publishing suspended (xiu kan 休刊) during the following time periods:
- 1937-09-01 - 1937-10-09: only "hao wai" published
- 1937-12-26 - 1938-01-18
- 1939-02-08 - 1939-04-20
- 1939-09-03 - 1939-10-05.
This publication can also be found at:
1) Chinese Entertainment Newspapers Database http://xiaobao.uni-hd.de (unpublished record)