NU XUE BAO (1898)
Founding Date:
End of publication:
1898-10-00 (uncertain)
Notes on Dates:
According to Nanxiu Qian, there were 12 issues published between July 24, 1898, and "the end of October" (Nanxiu Qian, “The Mother Nü Xuebao versus the Daughter Nü Xuebao: Generational Differences between 1898 and 1902 Women Reformers”, in Different Worlds of Discourse: New Views of Gender and Genre in Late Qing and Early Republican China, ed. by Naxiu Qian, Grace S. Fong, Richard Joseph Smith (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 260).

Size of a leaf: no information.
Format: 3 - 8 pages (irregular)
......... rectangular small pages; 1 page per 1 side of a leaf; vertical orientation; folding: vertically

Scan images of the original paper copies.

Original paper copies:
Issue no. 0001 (1898-07-24), page 0001: "〔...〕並每期附函用端楷繕寫潔白紙料石印。俾閱者賞心悅目。"


Issue prices changed during the course of publication. Price changes were introduced with the following issues:
Issue no. 0001 (1898-07-24): "敬送"; "送報一月、後每張只取料錢三文、購者請先惠報貲郵費自給函寄上海西門外文元坊本報舘查收"
Issue no. 0004 (1898-08-20): 外加代售費
Issue no. 0005 (1898-08-27): 每張三文

Publishing history:
Purpose of foundation:
Statement in issue no. 0001 (1898-07-24), page 0001: "本報告白": “本報為開中國女學風氣起見。"

- connected to Nu xue tang 女學堂 (issue no. 0001 (1898-07-24), page 0001: "本報告白")
- "All-female editorial board" (cf. Nanxiu Qian, “The Mother Nü Xuebao versus the Daughter Nü Xuebao: Generational Differences between 1898 and 1902 Women Reformers”, in Different Worlds of Discourse: New Views of Gender and Genre in Late Qing and Early Republican China, ed. by Naxiu Qian, Grace S. Fong, Richard Joseph Smith (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 260).
- "leading editor/contributor": Xue Shaohui 薛紹徽 (1866–1911) (cf. ibd., footnote no. 4)

(Contact details for) Editor /Publisher:
Issue no. 0001 (1898-07-24), page 0001: “創設女學於上海”; "上海西門外文元坊本報舘查收"

Issue no. 0001 (1898-07-24), page 0001: "送報一月、後每張只取料錢三文、購者請先惠報貲郵費自給函寄上海西門外文元坊本報舘查收"

Contributing authors ("ben bao zhu bi 本報主筆", issue no. 0002, title page):
- Jin'an Xue Shaohui nu shi 晉安薛紹徽女史
- Mingzhou Shen Heqing nu shi 明州沈和卿女史
- Zhuji Ding Suqing nu shi 諸暨丁素清女史
- Jiangyou Wen Jingfang nu shi 江右文靜芳女史
- Lingui Liao Yuanhua nu shi 臨桂廖元華女史
- Liangxi Shen Cuiying nu shi 梁溪沈翠英女史
- Jinkui Qiu Meilu nu shi 金匱裘梅侶女史
- Shangyu Jaing Wanxiang nu shi 上虞蔣畹香女史
- Wanjiang Zhang Wanfang nu shi 皖江章畹芳女史
- Nanhai Kang Wenxian nu shi 南海康文僴女史
- Shijiang Ju Nianqu nu shi 邡江雎念劬女史
- Guwu Zhu Shilan nu shi 古吳朱蒔蘭女史
- Fanyu Pan Daofang nu shi 番禺潘道芳女史
- Wujin Liu Keqing nu shi 武進劉可青女史
- Jingzhao Long Huipin nu shi 京兆龍慧蘋女史
- Guizhu Li Duanhui nu shi 貴筑李端惠 女史
- Liangxi Shen Jingying nu shi 梁溪沈靜英女史
- Shanghai Pan Yanglan nu shi上海潘仰蘭女史

Contributing authors ("ben bao zhu bi 本報主筆", issue no. 0003, title page):
- Same as in issue no. 2, except for:
- Liyang Di Wanjia 溧陽狄宛迦
- Fanyu Pan Shaolan 番禺潘少蘭
- Nanhai Kang Tongwei 南海康同薇
- Jiangning Zong Hengyi 江甯宗恆宜
- Guizhu Li Huixian 貴筑李蕙仙
- Qufu Zhang Yunhua 曲阜張蘊華
- Shangyu Jiang Wanfang 上虞將畹芳
- Kuocang Zhou Yuanxiang 括蒼周遠香


In 1902, Chen Xiefen published a magazine with the title "Xu chu nu bao". It is still uncertain to which publication exactly the title's "xu chu" ("continued") makes reference. The Zhongguo jindai qikan bianmu huilu 中國近代期刊編目彙錄 assumes that "Xu chu nu bao" had a predecessor that was named "Nu bao" and gives 1899 as the publishing date. However, the issues of this 1899 publication are also said to have been "never seen". (Cf. Zhongguo jindai qikan bianmu huilu 中國近代期刊編目彙錄, ed. by Shanghai Library (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 1965, 1980), s.v. Nübao, Nü xuebao, footnote to the entry; as cited by: Nanxiu Qian, “The Mother Nü Xuebao versus the Daughter Nü Xuebao: Generational Differences between 1898 and 1902 Women Reformers”, in Different Worlds of Discourse: New Views of Gender and Genre in Late Qing and Early Republican China, ed. by Nanxiu Qian, Grace S. Fong, Richard Joseph Smith (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 257, 260.)

However, Nanxiu Qian believes that the title's "xu chu" does not refer to any publication called "Nu bao", but to the "Nu xue bao" "edited and published" in 1898 (Nanxiu Qian, “The Mother Nü Xuebao versus the Daughter Nü Xuebao: Generational Differences between 1898 and 1902 Women Reformers”, in Different Worlds of Discourse: New Views of Gender and Genre in Late Qing and Early Republican China, ed. by Nanxiu Qian, Grace S. Fong, Richard Joseph Smith (Leiden: Brill, 2008), 260, 273 f.).
Nanxiu Qian's assumption rests on the following arguments (cf. ibd. 273, 274): #1 Xu chu nu bao's editor, Chen Xiefen 陳擷芬 (1883 - 1923), describes the magazine's issue no. 1 as "our debut, so it is not perfect and rather rough." #2 Xu chu nu bao propagates the re-opening of two institutions that were - at least informally, through an overlap of personnel - also associated with the 1898 Nu xue bao: the women's school "Nü xuetang [女學堂] under the original superintendent, Shen Ying 沈瑛 (courtesy name Heqing 和卿), and [...] the Nü xuehui [女學會] with the original members as its nucleus." (There was an overlap of personnel between the 1898 Nu xue bao and the re-convened Nü xuehui through faculty members of the Nü xuetang: faculty members of Nü xuetang were also members of the editorial board of the 1898 Nu xue bao, and participants in the re-convened Nü xuehui.)

Publication Type:
文學 (wen xue) - LITERATURE
政治 (zheng zhi) - POLITICAL
社會性別 (she hui xing bie) - GENDERED
Assigned Holdings:
Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg
Issues held by ECPO:
No. 0002 (1898-08-03) - No. 0003 (1898-08-15)

Issues missing in ECPO:
No. 0001 (1898-07-24)
No. 0004 (1898-08-??) - No. 0012 (1898-10-??)



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