Founding Date:
End of publication:
1927-03-00 (uncertain)

Size of a sheet: Changes :
Issue no. 0001 (1916-12-04) - issue no. 0367 (1927-03-02): 40 x 28 cm
Issue no. 0608 (1918-08-07) - issue no. 0754 (1918-12-31): 55 x 40 cm
Issue no. 0016 (1920-03-06) - issue no. 0031 (1920-03-21): 38 x 18 cm

Format: Changes in detail:
4 pages
......... No. 0001 (1916-12-04) - no. 0607 (1918-08-06)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
2 pages
......... No. 0608 (1918-08-07) - no. 0754 (1918-12-31)
......... Details: 2 large rectangular pages: 1 page per 1 side of a sheet
..................... vertical orientation; folding: horizontally
..................... binding: along the longer side of a sheet
4 pages
......... No. 0755 (1919-01-01) - no. 0015 (1920-03-05)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
6 pages
......... No. 0016 (1920-03-06) - no. 0030 (1920-03-20)
......... Details: small & narrow rectangular pages, 3 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
5 pages
......... No. 0031 (1920-03-21) - no. 0437 (1921-05-07)
......... Details: 3 small & narrow rectangular pages, 3 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
......... Details: 2 small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
..................... vertical orientation
..................... folding: both vertically & horizontally
4 pages
......... No. 0438 (1921-05-08) - no. 0657 (1926-02-26)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
3 pages
......... No. 0001 (1926-02-27) - no. 0175 (1926-08-20)
......... Details: 2 small rectangular pages: 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: vertically
......... Details: 1 large rectangular page: 1 page per 1 side of a sheet
...................... horizontal orientation
...................... folding: vertically
4 pages
......... No. 0176 (1926-08-21) - no. 0344 (1927-02-08)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: both vertically & horizontally
3 pages
......... No. 0345 (1927-02-09) - no. 0349 (1927-02-13)
......... Details: 2 small rectangular pages: 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
......... Details: 1 large rectangular page: 1 page per 1 side of a sheet
...................... horizontal orientation
...................... folding: both vertically & horizontally
4 pages
......... No. 0350 (1927-02-14) - no. 0367 (1927-03-02) (last issue held by ECPO)
......... Details: small rectangular pages, 2 pages per 1 side of a sheet
...................... vertical orientation
...................... folding: both vertically & horizontally

Layout changes:
......... No. 0399 (1918-01-01): Title frame changes (from: straight-lined frame, ornamental feathers and flowers, to: no lined frame, ornamental flags)
......... No. 0431 (1918-02-11): Title frame changes (to: dotted-line frame resemling a mosaic with ornamental unicorns)
......... No. 0608 (1918-08-07): Title font and frame change (to: lined frame with stylized unicorns)
......... No. 0680 (1918-12-18): Title frame changes (to: straight-lined frame with stylized roosters)
......... No. 0755 (1919-01-01): Title frame changes (to: no lined frame, ornamental roosters and plant branches)
......... No. 0780 (1919-02-01): Title frame changes (to: curved dotted-line frame with stylized rams)
......... No. 0001 (1920-02-20): Title frame changes (to: ornamental frame with busts)
......... No. 0016 (1920-03-06): Title frame changes (to: straight-lined frame), font changes (to: angular, symmetrical font), white script on black background, written vertically
......... No. 0367 (1927-03-02): Title written in black brush strokes on white background, written horizontally


Issue prices changed during the course of publication. Price changes were introduced with the following issues:
Issue no. 0241 (1917-07-26): 今日一張售銅元兩枚
Issue no. 0187 (1923-01-01): 今日兩張售銅元三枚
Issue no. 0197 (1923-01-11): 今日一張售銅元兩枚
Issue no. 0410 (1925-03-24): 今日一張售銅叁兩枚
Issue no. 0001 (1926-02-27): 今日二張大洋二分

Summary of Content:
新世界 近代文藝小報。日報。1916年12月4日創刊於上海。歷任主編為鄭正秋、奚燕子、楊塵因,編輯助理為姚鵷雛、周瘦鵑、聞野鶴、陳小蝶、吳綺緣、周劍雲、平襟亞、戚飯牛、惲秋星、尤半狂等,圖畫主任為孫雪泥,繪畫者有了悚、但杜宇、聿光、張光宇等名家。出至1919年6月17日,因受五四運動影響,報名改為《藥風日刊》。1920年2月20日又恢復原名,並由天南佛徒(夏小谷)、孫雪泥、王小逸等人接編。約於1927年3月因北伐戰爭而終刊。

該報版面和內容前後有所革新:初為4開1張4版,內設言論世界、郵電世界、滑稽世界、戲劇世界、小說世界、文藝世界等十幾個欄目;1918年8月改為對開半張2大版每期插畫8幅,增載遊藝場節目表和戲目說明書,並不定期附送女學名士題詞的單頁畫報1張。所刊主要作品,戲劇方面有劉豁公的時事歌劇劇本《專制餘波》,舒舍予的《斧風室劇活》,尤半狂的《瘦影樓劇話》等;中短篇小說有聞野鶴的《劍底桃花錄》,龔樓的《金錢與愛情》,陳小蝶的《紅樓夢夢》,花萼譯自德國葛威廉的《難為情死》,朱士雅譯目美國司帶克的《甘油炸藥會》等:其他連載著作有柳亞子的《磨劍室隨筆》,夢甦的《夢廬筆記》,姚民哀的《息廬詩詞錄》,姚鵷雛的《赫玉尺樓詩話》,奚燕子的 《鏤冰館楹聯叢話》和《吳梅村集外詩》等。在鄭正秋主持下.該報辯論欄還曾發起過4次大論戰,所討論的問題為戲劇界的現狀與未來、劇目的現實意義、白話新體詩的實質等.可稱為“五四”新文化運動的前奏曲。此外,該報在1916年至1917年連續舉辦過“新世界群芳選舉大會”,並出售百美圖,轟動一時。


From: Chinese Entertainment Newspapers Database http://xiaobao.uni-hd.de (unpublished record).

Publishing history:
Chronology of publishing details, according to information published with the paper:

Title changes:
Issue no. 0916 (1919-06-17) - no. ???? (1920-02-19): Yao feng ri kan 藥風日刊. Any Yao feng ri kan issues are not part of ECPO. (According to Zhu Junzhou, the change was influenced by the May-Fourth Movement.)

Title variations:
Issue no. ???? (????-??-??): 新世界義記日報 Xin shijie yiji ribao (The New World - Daily News) (according to Shanghai tushuguan)
Issue no. ???? (????-??-??): 新世界日報 Xin shijie ribao (The New World Daily News)

Reset to no. 0001:
Issue no. 0001 (1920-02-20)
Issue no. 0003 (1922-06-29)
Issue no. 0001 (1924-02-05)
Issue no. 0001 (1926-02-27)


Issue no. 0857 (1919-04-19):
......... 奚燕子
......... (page 0002: "本舘特別啓事:〔...〕奚燕子先生擔任撰述•先生文筆及其經驗〔...〕")
Issue no. 0440 (1921-05-10):
......... 奚燕子、楊了公、戚飯牛
......... (page 0002: "本舘特別啓事:〔...〕改組后編輯由燕子主任兼聘楊了公戚飯牛,〔...〕")
Issue no. 0017 (1921-06-17):
......... 天南佛徒夏君、奚燕子、戚飯牛、張夢飛
......... (page 0002: "本舘特別啓事:本報主任天南佛徒夏君協理奚燕子戚飯牛張夢飛諸君分任編輯於辦公時間概〔...〕")
Issue no. 0022 (1922-07-18):
......... 沈鑑良君
......... ( page 0002: "特別啓事:〔...〕再本社編輯沈鑑良君。因兼營新江南報〔...〕")
Issue no. 0090 (1922-09-24):
......... 紅玫
......... (page 0002: "特別啓事:本社今聘請謝紅玫先生為助理編輯〔...〕")
Issue no. 0157 (1922-12-01):
......... 天南佛徒、子夢吟居士、沈鑑良、許紅笙、會稽為、崔泉生、奚燕子君、瞿愛棠君、趙國祥君
......... (page 0002: "本社全體職員緊要啓事:啓者敝社主任天南佛徒與子夢吟居士 編輯為沈鑑良許紅笙會稽為崔泉生 特約撰述為奚燕子君 義務編輯為瞿愛棠君 廣告為趙國祥君均皆〔...〕")
Issue no. 0175 (1924-07-29):
......... 瞿愛棠君
......... (page 0002: "本報特別啓事:本社義務編輯瞿愛棠君、發起新世界眾香國選舉事、〔...〕")
Issue no. 0258 (1924-10-20):
......... 吳憎艧、步林屋
......... (page 0002: "本報敬請 吳憎艧、步林屋 二先生為名譽編輯啓事")
Issue no. 0176 (1926-08-21):
......... 編輯主任王小逸

Director of advertising:
Issue no. 0157 (1922-12-01): 趙國祥君
......... (page 0002: "本社全體職員緊要啓事:啓者敝社主任天南佛徒與子夢吟居士 編輯為沈鑑良許紅笙會稽為崔泉生 特約撰述為奚燕子君 義務編輯為瞿愛棠君 廣告為趙國祥君均皆〔...〕")
Issue no. 0256 (1926-11-09): 邵靜智 (廣告主任)

Other contributor(s):
Issue no. 0023 (1921-06-28): 榮鈞克、鈞岑子、陳柏
(page 0002: “本報啓事:榮鈞克鈞岑子陳柏諸君鑒承惠畫稿極表歡迎並望源源賬教乞示尊庽地址以便通信專候 (編輯部啓)

(Contact details for) Editor /Publisher:
Issue no. 0241 (1917-07-26): 上海英大馬路西新世界 電話四千五百四十九號
Issue no. 0724 (1918-12-01): 上海英大馬路西新世界 南部電話四千五百四十九號 北部電話四千五百四十五號
Issue no. 0001 (1921-06-05): 上海英大馬路泥城橋新世界總賬房; 電話五八四六號 公共電話 南部四五四九 北部四五四五
Issue no. 0025 (1921-07-01): 上海英大馬路泥城橋新世界 編輯部夏佛徒電話五百十七號; 公共電話: 總賬房電話五八四六號, 南部四五四九 北部四五四五
Issue no. 0079 (1921-08-23): 上海新世界沿西藏路 編輯部天南佛徒五百十七號; 公共電話: 總賬房電話五八四六號, 南部四五四九 北部四五四五
Issue no. 0176 (1926-08-21): 上海高尚優美戲場南北地道通行在英大馬路泥城橋電話中央五十七


Re: contents
Issue no. 0016 (1920-03-06): page 0001: ”本報啓事一:本報含着兩種性質 (一)指導新舊過渡的社會〔...〕“, “本報啓事一:凡合着本報應用的文字 不論體例 均可投稿〔...〕“
Issue no. 0058 (1922-08-23): page 0002: "本報啓事二則:本報極歡迎怪異之小説筆記〔...〕"

Re: accuracy of content
Issue no. 0001 (1921-06-05): page 0002: 本舘特別啓事

Re: editors and contributors
Issue no. 0857 (1919-04-19): page 0002: "本舘特別啓事:〔...〕奚燕子先生擔任撰述•先生文筆及其經驗〔...〕"
Issue no. 0440 (1921-05-10): page 0002: "本舘特別啓事:〔...〕改組后編輯由燕子主任兼聘楊了公戚飯牛,〔...〕"
Issue no. 0003 (1921-06-07): page 0002: "本舘特別啓事:〔...〕."
Issue no. 0017 (1921-06-17): page 0002: "本舘特別啓事:本報主任天南佛徒夏君協理奚燕子戚飯牛張夢飛諸君分任編輯於辦公時間概〔...〕"
Issue no. 0017 (1921-06-22): page 0002: "本社緊要啓事:所有本社圖畫王君倩君已於昨日辭謝給興之(?)八號出入證一紙業已取消作爲無効特此專啓."
Issue no. 0021 (1921-06-26): page 0002: "本報啓事:榮鈞君鑒 來稿極表歡迎務希時賜畫稿并(?)居址以便通訊(編輯部啓)"
Issue no. 0023 (1921-06-28): page 0002: “本報啓事:榮鈞克鈞岑子陳柏諸君鑒承惠畫稿極表歡迎並望源源賬教乞示尊庽地址以便通信專候 (編輯部啓)
Issue no. 0022 (1922-07-18): page 0002: "特別啓事:〔...〕再本社編輯沈鑑良君。因兼營新江南報〔...〕"
Issue no. 0090 (1922-09-24): page 0002: "特別啓事:本社今聘請謝紅玫先生為助理編輯〔...〕"
Issue no. 0122 (1922-10-26): page 0002: "本報緊要啓事", "天南佛徒謹啓"
Issue no. 0157 (1922-12-01): page 0002: "本社全體職員緊要啓事:啓者敝社主任天南佛徒與子夢吟居士 編輯為沈鑑良許紅笙會稽為崔泉生 特約撰述為奚燕子君 義務編輯為瞿愛棠君 廣告為趙國祥君均皆〔...〕"
Issue no. 0175 (1924-07-29): page 0002: "本報特別啓事:本社義務編輯瞿愛棠君、發起新世界眾香國選舉事、〔...〕"
Issue no. 0258 (1924-10-20): page 0002: "本報敬請 吳憎艧、步林屋 二先生為名譽編輯啓事"
Issue no. 0485 (1925-09-04): page 0002: "本報特別啓事:凡特有本社所發之新世界出入證者。每日至少須賜文稿一篇。〔...〕"
Issue no. 0496 (1925-09-15): page 0002: "本報為出入證事再啓事"
Issue no. 0525 (1925-10-14): page 0002: "本報特別啓事:同社諸君均鑒、彙刊啓事、諒早寓目、〔...〕"

Re: printing, materials, quality
E.g. Issue no. 0133 (1920-07-01): page 0002: "本舘特別啓事:近來印報的紙張〔...〕"
E.g. Issue no. 0642 (1925-10-14): page 0002: "本報特別啓事:本報印刷所、值茲年關、向例停工、而新正禮一二三四之本報、〔...〕"

Publication Type:
小報 (xiao bao) - XIAOBAO
Assigned Holdings:
University of Heidelberg. Digitized from microfilm collected by Shanghai tushuguan, 1987.
4256-2849/-58 M.
Issues held by ECPO:
No. 0241 (1917-07-26) - No. 0367 (1927-03-02)

Issues missing in ECPO:

No. 0001 (1916-12-04) - No. 0240 (1917-07-25)
No. 0916 (1919-06-17) - No. ???? (1920-02-19) (Acc. to the Shanghai tushuguan microfiilm, between the 17th of June,
1919, and the 20th of February, 1920, the publication changed its title to "Yao feng ri kan" 葯風日刊. These issues are not part of ECPO.)
No. 0488 (1923-11-08) - No. ???? (1924-02-04) (Acc. to Shanghai tushuguan, no issues were published.)
No. 0349 (1925-01-20) - No. 0350 (1925-01-23) (Acc. to Shanghai tushuguan, it is unclear whether issues published.)
No. 0435 (1925-04-18)
No. 0479 (1925-06-02) - No. 0478 (1925-08-07)
No. 0595 (1925-12-23)
No. 0641 (1926-02-10)
No. 0643 (1926-02-12)

Issues damaged in ECPO:
Issues no. 0241 (1917-07-26) - no. 0596 (1918-07-26): The 1st and 3rd pages regularly are cropped by about 10 - 30 % in the lower right corner, and lower left corner, respectively.
Issues no. 0286 (1923-04-16) - no. 0367 (1923-07-06): About 50% of each page is cut out.
Issues no. 0179 (1924-08-02) - no. 0204 (1924-08-27): About 10 - 20 % of each page is cut out.

For the following dates, there are no issues held by ECPO, but it seems that there were actually no issues published on these dates at all (since printed issue numbers continue without interruption):

1918-02-02 - 1918-02-10
1919-01-26 - 1919-01-31
1919-06-17 - 1920-02-19 (Acc. to the Shanghai tushuguan microfiilm, between the 17th of June, 1919, and the 20th of February, 1920, the publication changed its title to "Yao feng ri kan" 葯風日刊. These issues are not part of ECPO.)
1921-02-03 - 1920-02-07
1921-05-14 - 1921-06-04
1922-01-19 - 1922-01-27
1923-02-12 - 1923-02-15
1925-08-10 - 1925-08-29

This publication can also be found at:

1) Chinese Entertainment Newspapers Database http://xiaobao.uni-hd.de (unpublished record)

2) Da cheng lao jiu kan database (Da cheng lao jiu kan quan wen shu ju ku 大成老舊刊全文數據庫) : has 5 different publications that are named some variation of "Xin shi jie":

- Xin shi jie 新世界:
......... established in: 1934
......... period of publication: 1934 - 1947
......... publisher: Shanghai xin zhi shu dian 上海新知書店
......... place of publication: Shanghai
......... frequency: semi-monthly

- Xin shi jie yue kan 新世界月刊
- Xin shi jie xue bao 新世界學報
- Xin shi jie xun kan 新世界旬刊
- Xin shi jie xiao shuo she bao 新世界小説社報

3) 1833-1949 Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (Wan qing qi kan, min guo shi qi qi kan quan wen shu ju ku 晚清期刊、民國時期期刊全文數據庫) has a publication titled "Xin shi jie", however, its time, place and entity of publication differ from ours:

- Xin shi jie 新世界
......... established in: 1932
......... period of publication: 1932 - 1939, 1944 - 1947
......... distributer: Min sheng shi ye gu fen you xian gong si 民生實業股份有限公司 [發行]
......... place of publication: Chongqing
......... frequency: first semi-monthly, later monthly



1917 | 161 Issues
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