Manning Richard
Birth/Start: 0000-00-00, Death/End: 0000-00-00, Gender/Group: male

Name Name Pinyin Name Type Language
Manning Richard Given Name (名)English
曼郎 Manlang Other Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
曼明 Manming Other Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
Notes:Manning was a member of British, London-based amateur football club Islington Corinthians F. C. He also played for Clacton Town.(1)

In 1937-38, he was among the 19 unmarried players sent on a world tour for the Islington Corinthians.(2)


(1) "Islington Corinthians F.C.", Wikipedia, last modified April 3, 2017, (Archived in DACHS.)

(2) "Jie shao Ishilindun" 介紹依士林頓 [Introducing the Islingtonians], Jing bao 晶報, April 3, 1938, 1.

URL: goto...Article: 介紹依士林頓 - jie shao yishilindun  -
Authority data: (none)  
Assignments: 2 
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