Einstein Albert
Birth/Start: 1879-03-14, Death/End: 1955-04-18, Gender/Group: male

Name Name Pinyin Name Type Language
Einstein Albert Given Name (名)German
愛因斯坦 Aiyinsitan Other Name, Variants, incl. Married Name (其他名,包括:字、婚後名)Chinese
Notes:Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science
URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein goto... 
Authority data:  GND, VIAF, dbpedia, Wikidata, Baidu 
Assignments: 6 | Assignments in WOMAG: 1 
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