哥德的著作及其愛人, The famous works of Goethe and his lovers
亞爾賽特 Yaersaite (mentioned in article), 亞米涅 Yaminie (mentioned in article), 休特納 Xiutena (mentioned in article), 休諾塞 Xiunuosai (mentioned in article), 何恩 Heen (mentioned in article), 來布齊希 Laibuqixi (mentioned in article), 克斯特勒 Kesitele (mentioned in article), 克裏斯退安 Kelisituian (mentioned in article), 利利 Lili (mentioned in article), 司丹恩夫人 Sidanen fu ren (mentioned in article), 司德拉 Sidela (mentioned in article), 吉慈 Jici (mentioned in article), 哥德 Gede (mentioned in article), 奧古斯特 Aogusite (mentioned in article), 席勒 Xile (mentioned in article), 微格勒 Weigele (mentioned in article), 愛裏敦 Ailidun (mentioned in article), 拿破崙 Napolun (mentioned in article), 擺倫 Bailun (mentioned in article), 果玆 Guozi (mentioned in article), 格勒特 Gelete (mentioned in article), 沙菲 Shafei (mentioned in article), 海勒 Haile (mentioned in article), 海涅 Hainie (mentioned in article), 烏利安 Wulian (mentioned in article), 綠蒂 Ludi (mentioned in article), 莎士比亞 Shashibiya (mentioned in article), 菲特立克 Feitelike (mentioned in article), 蒲甫 Pufu (mentioned in article), 赫特爾 Heteer (mentioned in article), 輝群 Hui Qun (Author), 辛可甫 Xinkefu (mentioned in article), 達索 Dasuo (mentioned in article), 雪萊 Xuelai (mentioned in article),
Keywords: Love, Literature,