美術與人生的關係/ 皆不出愛的範圍, The relationship between art and life/ All in the realm of love
Millet (mentioned in article), Rodin (mentioned in article), Winckelman (mentioned in article), 柏格森 Bogesen (mentioned in article), 羅丹 Luodan (mentioned in article), 鴻鵬 Hong Peng (Author),
Keywords: art, arts and crafts, paintings,
美術與人生的關係/ 我所覺得, The relationship between art and life/ I think
劉讓裕 Liu Rangyu (Author), 勞稼村 Lao Jiacun (mentioned in article), 姚奠邦 Yao Dianbang (mentioned in article), 姜實節 Jiang Shijie (mentioned in article), 姮娥 Heng'e (mentioned in article), 板橋道人 Banqiaodaoren (mentioned in article), 林和靖 Lin Hejing (mentioned in article), 王淇 Wang Qi (mentioned in article), 田邊泰 Tianbian Tai (mentioned in article), 蔡孑民 Cai Jiemin (mentioned in article), 陳延齡 Chen Yanling (mentioned in article), 黃仿魯 Huang Fanglu (mentioned in article),