© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
小小童子軍胡耀祖。年僅六歲,亦來會場服務,為上海五育體育會最小之童子軍。 the little boy scout Hu Yaozu who helped at the athlete meet. He is only 6 years old, the youngest boy scout of the Shanghai Wuyu athlete meet.
胡耀祖 Hu Yaozu (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),
三位的漂亮女運動指導。(左) 張華珍 (兩江) , (中)秦麗華 (東南),(右)高君珠 (兩江) Three beautiful coaches. (Left) Zhang Huazhen(Liangjiang), (middle) Qin Lihua (Dongnan), (right) Gao Junzhu (Liangjiang)
(depicted on image, mentioned in caption, Photographer), 兩江女子體專 Liangjiang nu zi ti zhuan (mentioned in caption), 張華珍 Zhang Huazhen (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 東南女體專 Dongnan nu ti zhuan (mentioned in caption), 秦麗華 Qin Lihua (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),