| Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 14, page: 22 - depicted on image |
小小童子軍胡耀祖。年僅六歲,亦來會場服務,為上海五育體育會最小之童子軍。 | xiao xiao tong zi jun Hu Yaozu. nian jin liu sui, yi lai hui chang fu wu, wei Shanghai wu yu ti yu hui zui xiao zhi tong zi jun. | the little boy scout Hu Yaozu who helped at the athlete meet. He is only 6 years old, the youngest boy scout of the Shanghai Wuyu athlete meet. |
| Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 14, page: 22 - mentioned in caption |
小小童子軍胡耀祖。年僅六歲,亦來會場服務,為上海五育體育會最小之童子軍。 | xiao xiao tong zi jun Hu Yaozu. nian jin liu sui, yi lai hui chang fu wu, wei Shanghai wu yu ti yu hui zui xiao zhi tong zi jun. | the little boy scout Hu Yaozu who helped at the athlete meet. He is only 6 years old, the youngest boy scout of the Shanghai Wuyu athlete meet. |