© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
明星公司的龔稼農,“狂流”是他的得意傑作。 Gong Jianong of the Star Company , "Mad Stream" is his brilliant work
(depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 明星公司 Ming xing gong si (mentioned in caption, mentioned in caption),
正在聯合攝製“還我山河”的高占非。有人說他是中國最有希望的演員,“都會的早晨”是他的得意傑作。 Gao Zhanfei, who is shooting "huan wo he shan", some say he is the most promising actor in China, one of his great work is "the metropolitan in the morning".
(depicted on image), 滬江攝影樓 Hu Jiang she ying lou (Photographer),
導演卜萬蒼,攝影黃紹芬在工作情形 the director Bu Wancang and the photographer Huang Shaofen working
(depicted on image, mentioned in caption, depicted on image, mentioned in caption),
現在病中的夏佩珍 Xia Peizhen is now sick