No. 102 (12 July, 1933)
Page: 027 (64 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


在草地上:(右)兩個小朋友很奇怪地發現他們倆的照像登在報上 On the lawn: (right) two little children were surprised to find that their photos are published on the journal.

Keywords: children, Readers, newspapers,

楊啓祥 Yang Qixiang (Photographer),


在草地上:(上)中國實業銀行行長劉惠芝之姪年僅六歲,即善歌能舞 On the lawn: (above) the niece of Liu Huizhi, the Leader of the Chinese Industrial Bank. He is only 6 years old but already good at singing and dancing.

Keywords: children,

劉惠芝 Liu Huizhi (mentioned in caption), 楊啓祥 Yang Qixiang (Photographer),