© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
幽默的接吻:喬馬克利、意琳丹恩 Humorous Kiss: Qiaomakeli, Yilindan'en
Keywords: kissing, stars, movies,
喬馬克利 Qiaomakeli (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 意琳丹恩 Yilin Dan'en (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),
幽默的接吻:愛德門羅、蘭西雪羅 Humorous Kiss: Edmund Lowe, Nancy Carroll
Keywords: kissing, stars, movies,
愛德門羅 Aidemenluo (mentioned in caption, depicted on image), 蘭西雪羅 Lanxi Xueluo (mentioned in caption, depicted on image),
幽默的接吻:麗琳哈威,約翰包爾斯 Humorous Kiss: Lilinhawei, Yuehanbaoersi
Keywords: kissing, stars, movies,
約翰包爾斯 Yuehan Bao'ersi (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 麗琳哈威 Lilin Hawei (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),