© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
懸賞徵文第一名揭曉 — 別開生面消夏良法, The first-place winner in our prize essay contest made known - a good and novel method of alleviating summer heat
婉 Wan (Author), 綸華女士 Lunhua nu shi (mentioned in article), 陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor),
真愛的力量, The Power of true love
璐賽 Lu Sai (Author), 陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor),
Keywords: love and sex,
滬大今夏畢業生芳訊, Aromatic news about graduates from Shanghai University in this summer
兪大彩女士 Yu Dacai nu shi (mentioned in article), 汪筱孟女士 Wang Xiaomeng nu shi (mentioned in article), 陳新國 Chen Xinguo (mentioned in article), 陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor), 項韻梅女士 Xiang Yunmei nu shi (mentioned in article),
恐怖 Terror
Keywords: caricatures, cartoons, comics, ,
濟川 Jichuan (Cartoonist),