© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
男子的心田, Men's hearts
薛佩貞 Xue Peizhen (Author), 陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor),
參與聖瑪利亞五十周紀念之賓客 Guests attending the celebration for the 50th anniversary of St. Mary (Girls' School)
Keywords: everyday life,
(Photographer), 聖瑪利亞女校 Shengmaliya nu xiao (mentioned in caption),
聖瑪利亞女校五十周紀念會時女生表演五十年前女子之生活及服裝之攝影 Photo of the life and the clothing fifty years ago in the performance by female students at the celebration for the 50th aniversary of St. Mary Girls' School
Keywords: everyday life, women's education,
中國攝影供應社 Zhongguo she ying Gongying she (Photographer), 聖瑪利亞女校 Shengmaliya nu xiao (mentioned in caption),