© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
妻與夫, Wife and husband
王壽富 Wang Shoufu (Author), 陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor),
務本女子義勇軍營副韋毓梅女士 Ms Wei Yumei, the battalion deputy commander of Wuben women's army of volunteers
Keywords: Volunteer army, women,
蓬萊照相館 Penglai zhao xiang guan (mentioned in caption), 陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor), 韋毓梅 Wei Yumei (mentioned in caption, depicted on image),
讀者若購日貨七日之內必有不如意之事, Readers, if you buy Japanese products, something bad will definitely will definitely happen to you within seven days
Keywords: anti-Japanese movements,