© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
電影與結婚, Film and marriage
Ina Claire (mentioned in article), 易娜克萊 Yinna Kelai (mentioned in article), 法洛倫司維陀 Faluolun Siweituo (mentioned in article), 程鏡秋 Cheng Jingqiu (Author), 葛洛立史璜生 Geluoli Shihuangsheng (mentioned in article),
電影女星陶理開尼盎之嬌容 The tender look of the femal movie star Taolikainiang
Keywords: stars,
陶理開尼盎 Taolikainiang (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),
永遠抵制日貨,便得最後勝利, Boycott Japanese products forever, so we will gain the final victory
Keywords: war,