© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
無獨有偶之情死案, Two cases of suicide for love
姚玉英 Yao Yuying (mentioned in article), 林澤人 Lin Zeren (Editor), 楊瑤琴女士 Yang Yaoqin nu shi (Author), 王銀鳳 Wang Yinfeng (mentioned in article), 馬壽祥 Ma Shouxiang (mentioned in article), 高錫熊 Gao Xixiong (mentioned in article),
頭痛的治法, Treatments of headache
劉鴻光 Liu Hongguang (Author),
二十期開獎末尾兩號為, The last two numbers of the lottery result of the twentieth issue are
Keywords: advertisement, San Ho Company, lottery,