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禁及婦女, Restrictions reaching women
Keywords: marriage, foreign news , women,
實行預備, Practical preparation
Keywords: women's education,
名家演說, Speeches from well-known people
金亞梅 Jin Yamei (mentioned in article),
Keywords: the state of Chinese womanhood,
嘉定女界, Female society in Jiading
周本淑 Zhou Benshu (mentioned in article), 廖斌權 Liao Binquan (mentioned in article), 廖襄權 Liao Xiangquan (mentioned in article), 張大昭 Zhang Dazhao (mentioned in article), 徐襄華 Xu Xianghua (mentioned in article), 戴英智 Dai Yingzhi (mentioned in article), 施儀芬 Shi Yifen (mentioned in article), 朱素行 Zhu Suxing (mentioned in article), 汪慰羣 Wang Weiqun (mentioned in article), 汪懿羣 Wang Yiqun (mentioned in article), 汪組羣 Wang Zuqun (mentioned in article), 潘保粹 Pan Baocui (mentioned in article), 胡月書 Hu Yueshu (mentioned in article), 蘇本巖 Su Benyan (mentioned in article), 陳恤羣 Chen Xuqun (mentioned in article), 黃守淵 Huang Shouyuan (mentioned in article), 黃守蕖 Huang Shouqu (mentioned in article), 黃守邕 Huang Shouyong (mentioned in article), 黃懷貞 Huang Huaizhen (mentioned in article),
Keywords: the state of Chinese womanhood,