No. 110 (13 September, 1933)
Page: 030 (64 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


上海五機命名禮中的姊妹們:滬工號飛機命名典禮俞筱鈞女士執行擲香檳儀式 Our sisters at the Naming Ceremony of five airplaines in Shanghai: Ms. Yu Xiaojun opened the champagne at the naming ceremony of the Shanghai Worker's

Keywords: ceremony, airplane,

俞筱鈞 Yu Xiaojun (mentioned in caption, depicted on image),


上海五機命名禮中的姊妹們:寧波號擲香檳之虞媞媞女士 Our sisters at the Naming Ceremony of five airplaines in Shanghai: Ms. Yu Titi opened the champagne at the naming ceremony of "Ningpo"

啟昌 Qichang (Photographer), 虞媞媞 Yu Titi (mentioned in caption, depicted on image),


上海五機命名禮中的姊妹們:“童軍號”擲香檳之陳玉如女士 Our sisters at the Naming Ceremony of five airplaines in Shanghai: Ms. Chen Yuru opened the champagne at the naming ceremony of "the Scouts"

(Photographer), 陳玉如 Chen Yuru (mentioned in caption, depicted on image),