| Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 30, page: 30 - depicted on image |
上海五機命名禮中的姊妹們:滬工號飛機命名典禮俞筱鈞女士執行擲香檳儀式 | Shanghai wu ji ming ming li zhong de jie mei men: Hu gong hao fei ji ming ming dian li Yu Xiaojun nu shi zhi xing zhi xiang bin yi shi | Our sisters at the Naming Ceremony of five airplaines in Shanghai: Ms. Yu Xiaojun opened the champagne at the naming ceremony of the Shanghai Worker's |
| Linglong, Vol: 3, Iss: 30, page: 30 - mentioned in caption |
上海五機命名禮中的姊妹們:滬工號飛機命名典禮俞筱鈞女士執行擲香檳儀式 | Shanghai wu ji ming ming li zhong de jie mei men: Hu gong hao fei ji ming ming dian li Yu Xiaojun nu shi zhi xing zhi xiang bin yi shi | Our sisters at the Naming Ceremony of five airplaines in Shanghai: Ms. Yu Xiaojun opened the champagne at the naming ceremony of the Shanghai Worker's |