Funü zazhi
No. 012 (30 November, 1929)
Page: 073 (170 total)

事與願違/ 繡到鴛鴦腸欲斷 - Things go contrary to one s wishes/ Intestines are about to break when embroidering mandarin ducks

Column title: 甲種徵文 - Advanced level essay competition
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: embroidery, women's education, death, engagement,

鄧寄陶 Deng Jitao (Author)

事與願違/ 須要對症用藥 - Things go contrary to one s wishes/ Must suit the remedy to the case

Column title: 甲種徵文 - Advanced level essay competition
Subject matters: 散文 - prose,
Language level: Baihua

Keywords: youth, economics, education, career,

(mentioned in article)
柏格森 Bogesen (mentioned in article)
瞿蕙 Qu Hui (Author)
蒙特爾 Mengteer (mentioned in article)