飽嘗世味的祁仍奚 - Qi Rengxi, experiencing the vicissitudes of life to the fullest extent
女運動家注意 - Attention, sportswomen
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 - Lin Loon Magazine
Notes: "Lin Loon Magazine" 56 Nanking Road, Shanghai民國廿一年五月十八日出版,玲瓏圖畫雜誌,第一卷,第五十期,每冊大洋一角。主幹者,林澤蒼。文字編輯,陳珍玲,林澤民。美術編輯,葉淺予,攝影主任,宗惟賡。出版者,玲瓏圖畫雜誌社,發行者,三和公司。上海南京路五十六號,代售處,外埠各書局,本部各報販,大東,光華,文華,現代,北四川路三和分公司。漢口真美善公司,蘇州文怡書局,天津楊記派報社。北平良友公司。天津楊記派報社,廣州麗華公司。
Category: Advertisment for Journal
Keywords: San Ho Company, Linglong Magazine, colophon,
(mentioned in advertisement, mentioned in advertisement, mentioned in advertisement)
宗惟賡 Zong Weigeng (mentioned in advertisement)
陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (mentioned in advertisement)
中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 - The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
Category: Advertisment for Journal