[No caption] -
Subject matters: Ornament,
Medium: Line drawing
[No caption] -
Subject matters: Ornament,
Medium: Line drawing
圍在皮裘裏的張桂卿女士 - Ms Zhang Guiqing wrapped in fur
Painter/Photograph: (Photographer)
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
張桂卿 Zhang Guiqing (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)
圖乃李麗英女士坐在地上的一種愉快的神氣 - The picture shows the happy facial expression of Ms Li Liying who is sitting on the ground
Painter/Photograph: (Photographer)
Subject matters: Landscape with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
Additional information:
在花園裡時常看見少女們總是很喜歡的坐在地上玩,本來青草地上是人工造成一塊異地,給少女們盡量享受它的趣味,跳呵!跑呵!都可隨意取到天倫的快樂! 一方面對身體都是很有益處的,一方面是很自然的。在西方各國,很多在草地上聚餐為樂!