[No caption] -
Subject matters: Interior scene with figure,
Medium: Line drawing
Additional information:
An illustration to the Ad Birch Hairwater.
培根生髮香水 - Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic
Subject matters: Product,
Medium: Line drawing
Additional information:
An illustration to the product Birch Hairwater.
培根生髮香水 - Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic
Notes: 此生髮香水根據醫學原理幾經研究而製,成為研究頭髮衛生與美麗者必備,滋養髮根,善治髮落,髮蛀,髮癬等患,常使髮色光澤芬芳馥郁永留髮際。德商禮和洋行總經理,各大藥房百貨公司均有分售。
Category: Luxury goods
Keywords: fashion and beauty,