摩登女子之明鏡 - "Bright mirror" for modern women
Subject matters: 評述 - commentary,
Language level: Wenyan
Keywords: love and sex, everyday life, China-West comparisons, foreign women, socializing,
同時進行 - Concurrent Developments
Subject matters: 幽默 - humour, 諷刺 - satire,
Serie: Ta yu ta 她與他
Keywords: love and sex, everyday life, emotions, socializing, male,
愛麗 Aili (mentioned in article)
白玉 Baiyu (Author)
麥克 Maike (mentioned in article)
[No caption] -
Subject matters: Landscape with figure,
Medium: Line drawing
Additional information:
caricature illustrating "ta yu ta"
Keywords: satire,
電影明星之生活 海灘香腿之狂舞 - The life of movie stars; the crazy dance of legs on the beach.
Subject matters: Portrait-Group,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
她與他 - She and He
Category: Printed materialsKeywords: love and sex, everyday life, advertisement, San Ho Company, satire, caricatures, cartoons, comics,