不堪入耳的醜聞,獸性的任振南案 - A scandal intolerant to the ear, the case of the violent Ren Zhennan
Keywords: law, respect for women,
任振南 Ren Zhennan (mentioned in article)
秀貞女士 Xiu Zhen nu shi (Author)
陳珍玲 Chen Zhenling (Editor)
黃淑文女士近影 - Recent photo of Ms Huang Shuwen
Subject matters: Landscape with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
方君明 Fang Junming (Donor)
黃淑文 Huang Shuwen (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)
玲瓏箋 - Exquisite writing paper
Brand: 玲瓏箋 - Exquisite letter paperNotes: "嬌小新穎 美麗可愛,既經濟而又靈便。甲種 (紅黃信紙) 每本七分;乙種 (上等彩紙) 每本五分; 丙種 (即拍字簿)每本三分", 華商三和公司總發行,上海南京路五十六號
Category: Stationery
Keywords: advertisement, San Ho Company,