Category: Advertisment for Journal
總發行所上海棋盤中街大同印書局,分售處 - The main press, Datong publications on the Qipan Middle Street, Shanghai, and places of sale
Notes: Bookstore names and locationsCategory: Advertisment for Journal
Keywords: advertisement,
任味之 Ren Weizhi (mentioned in advertisement)
張惟一 Zhang Weiyi (mentioned in advertisement)
林惠銓 Lin Huiquan (mentioned in advertisement)
柳安如 Liu Anru (mentioned in advertisement)
沈子樹 Shen Zishu (mentioned in advertisement)
鄭斐臣 Zheng Feichen (mentioned in advertisement)
陳霞臣 Chen Xiachen (mentioned in advertisement)
陶佐虞 Tao Zuoyu (mentioned in advertisement)