Nüzi Shijie
No. 008 (11 August, 1904)
Page: 050 (94 total)

辯護出廷 - Speaking in defense of leaving the home

Column title: 談藪:海外珍聞 - Conversation corner: News tidbits from abroad
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: China-West comparisons, foreign news , foreign women, France,

初我 Chuwo (Author)
迭露紅孃 Dieluhong Niang (mentioned in article)

大金滿家 - Great fortune fills a family

Column title: 談藪:海外珍聞 - Conversation corner: News tidbits from abroad
Subject matters: 筆記 - jottings,
Language level: Wenyan

Keywords: money, foreign news , foreign women,

初我 Chuwo (Author)
哈米爾頓侯爵夫人 Hamierdun Houjue Furen (mentioned in article)
威列亞阿士得夫人 Weilieya'ashide Furen (mentioned in article)
巴迭脫加烏得男爵夫人 Badietuojiawude Nanjue Furen (mentioned in article)
愛奧德賽非亞特夫人 Aiaodesaifeiyate Furen (mentioned in article)
賽那拉阿維陸德 Sainala'a weilude (mentioned in article)
阿列克痕士亞夫人 Aliekehenshiya Furen (mentioned in article)
阿爾薩飛士克孃 Aersafeishike Niang (mentioned in article)
麥克夫人 Maike Furen (mentioned in article)
黑智格林 Heizhigelin (mentioned in article)