Funü Shibao
No. 010 (25 May, 1913)
Page: 028 (124 total)

散拿吐瑾 - Sanatogen

Subject matters: Trademark,

較此圖尚多一千倍之醫士﹐讚揚散拿吐瑾為極大生新力之補品 - A thousand times more doctors than shown in this picture praise the health benefits of Sanatogen powder

Subject matters: Interior scene with figure,


較此圖尚多一千倍之醫士﹐讚揚散拿吐瑾為極大生新力之補品 - More than a thousand doctors are praising the health benefits of Sanatogen powder

Brand: 散拿吐瑾 - Sanatogen
Category: Health products